Chapter 15: Storm of Emotion

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Elsa POV
       He really isn't that bad she thought to herself. Yes he's old and yes he in a way kidnaped her but there was something about him she couldn't put her finger on. She didn't trust him but she couldn't help but feel some sort of compassion to someone willing to build an enormous castle just for her. Elsa wanted to go home but at the same time she didn't. It was something about the cold, that calmed her, that set her free.

"Do you plan on taking me home anytime soon or is this some sort of 24 hour thing?" She said, calmly. He already knew about her powers and if he wanted to do anything aggressive he would have already.

"Well I did say a day and you seem to be enjoying your stay, so why not just relax. Maybe build some furniture." Pitch said smirkingly, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed.

"I wouldn't even know where to start. I don't have enough control over my powers to build a furniture set."

"You could harness your powers if you focused. I could teach you if you'd like." He said jokingly and yet his face gave off the expression of seriousness.

"Okay." She said hesitantly. She was already there might as well get something out of it.


"Yea, okay! You can teach me. Where do we start?"

He moved slightly closer but as he reached to grab her hand Elsa froze.

"If I'm going to teach you, you need to let me touch you. Don't worry I don't bite."

"Alright, sorry. What do I need to do?"

"For starters what do you want to build?"

"How about a couch? I need something to collapse on just in case I go crazy."

"I was gonna suggest a bed, but I guess your idea works as well."

     It sounded like he was joking but she couldn't help but shudder at the suggestion. He reached to her waist and instructed her on how to focus and build.

"It all starts with your thoughts you need to picture what you want close your eyes and the rest usually flows into place. Do you see it, the design?"

"Yea I can picture it now. What next?"

"Now the arm movement comes in. This depends specifically on your preference. You could choose either a graceful precise motion, or you could choose the aggressive or safe path." As he said this he moved his fingers up her arm and pulled them into position.

Elsa chose the graceful route with precise movement as she slowly pointed and moved her fingers shimmering snow flew out exactly as she pictured it. This moment was complete and total bliss. Before there had been nothing but an empty space but now stood two couches and a side table that held a vase of  ice flowers. She had never felt so in control, so free.

Jacks POV

"Any luck?" Rapunzel inquired, when she saw Hiccup and Merida waiting at the meet up spot.

"Yea actually we did. We need to hurry." Merida said quickly grasping Punzie's arm steering her toward the ice castle.

"What did you find? Is she in danger? Did you see her?" Jack said, he was an emotional wreck. He looked like he had no clue what to feel.

"Let's run and talk."


"To answer your first question, we found a castle. Second, I'm assuming if she's inside she could be locked up in which case yes I do believe she's in danger. And lastly, did we see her, no not exactly but it's a castle built out of ice so if she's anywhere I'd assume it'd be in there." The words rushed out of Merida so quickly she appeared out of breath. It also didn't help that she was a rushing and shoving branches out of her path.

"Stop and breath for a moment. What is the plan when we reach the castle." Jack questioned.

"Well, ice is kinda your thing so I just assumed you would be a good Jack Frost and nip at his nose a little bit."

"You've got a good point but I didn't exactly need your sass."

"It's who I am, you'll learn to accept it."

The banter went on and on until they finally reached their destination.

"Holy crap!"

Elsa's POV
This was amazing. At-least one good thing came out of this trip. She no longer needed to be afraid of her powers, at-least not completely. Pitch told her that her powers were also controlled by her emotions so if those go out whack so will she.  The whole castle has been filled with beautifully etched furniture but the best thing of all she saved for last. She told Pitch to leave the front foyer while she worked on a sculpture of her and her sister building a snowman. She knew Anna would just love it, there's a chance she would never come back here but she could take a picture of it before she left. As she was putting the finishing touches on it, the doors flew open.

"Elsa? You're alright?" Jack said confused. He had pictured her locked up in chains or Pitch flirting with her.

"Yea. What are you guys doing here? How'd you find me." She said running up to hug them.

"Did you make this?" Rapunzal questioned.

"No." Pitch interrupted. "I did."

"But you don't have ice powers." Jack said turning red, mostly out of anger but also because he was beating himself up for not thinking of it first.

"Long story short, I did it for her and that's all that matters."

"Well we've come to take her back. You've had her long enough."

"You'd be breaking our deal Jack. Besides I'm pretty certain that Elsa actually likes it here so..." before he could finish Jack tossed a icicle across the room aiming it at Pitch's head. But before it could reach his face he grabbed it.

"So snippy. You want a fight I'll give you one, Mr. Frost. But just remember you threw the first punch."

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