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He opened the door to find me standing there, crying

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He opened the door to find me standing there, crying. A single tear rolled down my rose tinted cheeks and camouflaged with the pouring rain.

His stomach sank and his heart fell with it, he knew exactly why I was there, he knew exactly what he'd done, and what he hadn't done.

He opened his chapped lips but was immediately silenced by my croaking words.

"So this is what I was to you, all along I was just some stupid bet between you and Peter?" I shook with fear, anger, pain. My words weren't properly forming, a small sniffle or stutter lacing in between each heart wrenching phrase.

"No, it's not li-"

"It's not like that is it? Let me guess i started out as some stupid bet between you and your friend but you 'fell in love with me' and 'you were gonna tell me but didn't have the chance' well fuck you, Shawn. And fuck Peter. God, to think I actually thought we had something! I hope your happy with your seven hundred dollars and your car or whatever else was added to the bet! Because now you can add my stupid, ugly heart to the damn pile!" I didn't look him in the eyes, afraid of falling back into his twisting trap.

I began to walk away, tossing the promise ring, that had now become nothing but a burning piece of silver, that he gave me at his water drenched feet.

"Oh, Diana?" He called out and I turned around, hesitantly.

"It was five hundred dollars, don't flatter yourself."

And something inside me shifted, I was no longer the girl that would have ran off, scared of his words and his lies, I was now the girl that would fight back. I was the girl that I never was with Chris, I was the girl I wanted to be.

I turned around on my heels, jaw clenched tight, fists balled by my sides, legs running towards him. My fingertips tingled and my heart pounded as clenching teeth began to ache.

"Fuck you! You're poisonous! You're like a snake, you're like ivy, You're like cigarettes and cyanide, you're everything wrong with the world! You're poison and you're toxic and you've ruined my life completely, and I hope that haunts you 'till the day you fucking die."

A/n hello guys! I know right now I'm currently writing like 7 books but I have major writers block and this is the only thing I can write right now. I really hope you enjoy it because I have a feeling it's going to be good. Thank you.

- Molly

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