⋆4⋆first aid

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A/n, happy birthday, Shawn. 19!!

today's recommended song: angel of small death & the codeine scene - hozier

today's recommended song: angel of small death & the codeine scene - hozier

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Diana Hughes
September 13th, 2016.

A light ringing picked up in my ears before ricocheting against the indistinct murmurs of people talking.

'You're gonna kill him!' Grayson's familiar voice ripped me back to consciousness and my eyes finally focused on the messed mash of a scene that surrounded me.

Shawn wouldn't get off the guy, his huge muscular body, towering against him, the two on the ground, dirty and crimson. He was inconsiderate of the bitter blood that trickled from his nose, and the way the helpless guys eyes flickered from consciousness.

'Lay off, man!' Ethan joined Grayson, the two yanking at his muscular back before finally managing to pry his hellbent body from the guy who's head rested against the brick wall. His limp head trailed to me and sent shivers down my spine.

Shawn stood up, wiping his bloody nose and wiping himself down as his breath was heavy and he spat blood on the floor by his feet. His eyes trailed up to me and I gulped as my body shook, my back resting against the cold wall.

'You ok?' Ethan asked me and I wiped the tear I'd failed to notice from my cheek, I managed to let out a shaky nod and he clenched his jaw.

"Hey, do you want me to take you home?" Shawn shoved his large hands into his pockets and rocked his heels back and forth as he asked the question. Ethan and Grayson shot me raised eyebrows in confusion, both of them asking me if they wanted to go home with them.

"You've not been drinking?" I asked, aware of the fact we were just previously in a party.

"No, you want me to? It's okay if you don't." He glanced up at me, a spot of red forming around his amber eyes.

"Yeah, thanks." He smiled, a rather beautiful smile actually, teeth formed perfectly and not a spot of food or anything wedged in them, they were pristine and white and I remember wondering if they were real, nobody could have teeth as perfect as that. I managed to peel myself away from the wall I had become attached to and watched as the guy who tried to harass me shifted in and out of awareness. I fell to the floor and frantically tried to pick up my broken phone.

I finally reached Shawn, my legs were jelly and my hands were still trembling with cold or fear, most likely both.

We started walking to where I assumed his car was when he stopped walking and started staring at the back of my head.

"Oh shit." He lightly touched what he was staring at and immediately winced in pain, snapping my hand to excruciatingly painful spot. "Oh my god, your head is like, bashed open." He spoke bluntly with a hint of concern, the way most typical teenage boys spoke. I remember how the guy had crashed my head into the back of the wall and just the isolated thought made me grimace.

"How Bad is it?" I asked, looking at him with concern.

"Quite bad, maybe we should get you to a hospital." I flinched at the word, remembering the fact that my mother was a nurse and was currently working a night shift in the ER. And also the fact she happened to think I was at Toby's, asleep, not at a party. 

"No, I'll be fine. I can sort it out when I get home." My mind ran back to the first aid kit that lay in the shiny cupboard in my kitchen, and I thought of the band aids and bandages I could put to use and repair the wound, it couldn't be that bad, I'd seen my mom perform stitches before, I was fairly sure if worst came to worst I could sort myself out.

"You sure?" He pushed a button his keys and a pair of lights flashed, lights that belonged to a black Jeep Wrangler.

I nodded and climbed into the car, stroking the leather seats in admiration for how clean the car was.

He slotted the keys in the ignition and set off. I gave him directions to my place and after ten minutes we arrived. The car journey had been silent.

He turned off the engine and I got up to leave, glancing at the empty house, the curtains were open and nothing could be seen inside, when I realised something.

"Hey, uhm, do you maybe wanna come in for a bit?" I asked, looking at him. He responded with a raised eyebrow and I laughed. "No, not like that. My moms working a night shift and the hospital."

"So that's why you didn't want to go." He mumbled moreto himself than to me.

" I just, I don't really wanna be alone tonight." My teeth grazed my bottom lip in nerves as I watched the words that came out as another language fly into the air. He somehow managed to translate them though, and replied with a nod.

We both climbed out of the high up car and I wandered down the stone pathway and to my large brown door. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and fumbled around with them awkwardly before finally unlocking it and swinging it open. The hallways lights pierced my eyes and I rubbed my feet against the doormat, Shawn copying me. I tossed my keys onto the hallways table with a clang and gestured to the living room door before telling Shawn he could make himself at home while I got my first aid kit.

I walked into the kitchen and my phone vibrated as I was rummaging around the cupboard.

Ethan: hey, you ok?
Ethan: that was a stupid question
of course you're not ok.
Ethan: i know that shit is
especially hard considering
everything that happened with Chris.

I smiled at his consideration, yet found myself contrastingly grimacing at the mention of Chris' name.

I'm ok, E don't worry.

I found the familiar green bag in the cupboard and wandered into the living room where I found Shawn relaxing on our leather sofas, fiddling with the TV remote. I tossed the first aid kit into his lap and he flinched, grabbing it.

I sat myself down next to him, unzipping the bag.

"Let me clean up that cut." I told him, referring to the gash on his bottom lip.


I pulled out a sanitising wipe and rubbed it against his lip, clearly off the blood as he dramatically winced.  "Ow, ow, ow, ow, owwww." He whined and I laughed, poking the wipe even further. He cursed something under his breath, and I laughed again.  "So where's your dad then?" He asked, most likely confused as to why I was home alone.

"He's out on a business trip. He's currently in California, doing some business deal or some shit. I kinda prefer to stay out of that, it's really complex." He nods and I rest my hand on the top of his head and the other by his chin as I apply the small band aid to his lip.

"All done." I smiled, closing the bag and standing up.

"But what about your head?" He asks me and I shrug.

"I'll be fine." I went and put the first aid kit back, returning to a sleepy kid on my sofa.

"Thanks for what you did back there, I really appreciate it." I smiled, crossing my legs as I sat down next to him, facing the TV.

"Your mom won't mind me being here, will she?" He asks, looking at me, his cute caramel eyes sizzling into me.

"I think you're forgetting all my friends are guys." He chuckles and I laughed too.

We ended up watching TV all night and talking about whatever as I tried to put the memories of the night to the back of my mind.

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