20 ⋆Adelaide Montgomery

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October 13th.
Diana Hughes.
Song of the Chapter- Champagne Supernova- Oasis.
I stare at the ground vacantly and I imagine Shawn shares a similar look with his phone in the room next to me. Something seems to have sizzled out and I feel as though I may as well be the only person in the room despite the fact there's more people crammed into this room than sardines in a can.

It is currently twenty-five minutes past twelve and I'm in the eye of this party-storm, the music has fallen to a monotonic buzz but I'm sure it's as loud and prominent as it was before to everybody else. Shawn's living room walls are crisp with paint, a pale blue that resembles a cool summer atmosphere. It connotates calmness and simplicity but I feel as though the opposite of those emotions is brewing in my stomach. He has left me for the kitchen fridge and his friends.

The music continues to thump a little louder and a hand grabs my forearm tightly, spinning me around into a grey shirt. Shawn was wearing red.

Their arms squeeze me into a huge hug as I lay limp, confused to who is holding me. Their hands are cold against my back but their chest is warm and soon enough they set me free.

I stumble backwards and look up to find brown hair and a familiar face, it was Shawns friend Will.

"How's it going Diana?!" He exclaims over the loud music, grinning at me. His eyes are dull and squint.

"Alright, I guess. This party is, eventful." I mumble, crushing the red cup in my hands, I had emptied it onto the grass after taking one disgusting sip. 

"They're playing spin the bottle in the kitchen, you should join us!" He shouts, tossing his arm in the air and spilling the beer everywhere. Why is it that every party I go to there seems to be a game in one room and a mess in another. I laugh at Will.

"Go play spin the bottle with them, I'll clean this up and the join you." I tell him, laughing. I grab a towel that's been tossed over the sofa and smack Will's arm with it. "Go on! I'll see you in there!"

"No! I'll wait for you if you want." He sits down by me on the carpet, legs crossed.

I take the cloth and begin to start cleaning the floor, the beer reeks of yeast and I try my hardest to remove it but it won't fully come out. After fifteen minutes I throw in the towel (quite literally) and give up.

I look around Shawns living room, inspecting the framed photographs. There's one on the wall by the Television of him in a black and white, he wears a grey shirt and his hair is combed back neatly, he smiles widely and his braces are on show. He looks so different it scares me.

"Nice pic of him, huh?" Will caught me looking and laughs.

"He looks so... happy" I mumble.

"He used to be a very happy kid." Will tells me before sighing.

"What happened?" I asked Will, shuffling around on the carpet, trying again to clean the beer.

"Adelaide Montgomery. That's what happened."

"Who is she?" I asked him.

"She was the love of Shawn's life." Will mumbles.


"They were together since he was fourteen years old, freshman year, she'd transferred to our school from somewhere else-- i never knew where. Shawn was a totally different kid back then, he was tall and skinny with braces and he was music obsessed. He had this guitar that was his prized possession, some really expensive one that his father had given him for christmas. He'd spend hours and hours teaching himself his favourite songs. He used to blow us off so he could play guitar; god he loved that thing." He laughs to himself before carrying on.

"Adelaide transferred freshman year and Shawn had a perfect record so he would show the new kids around school. So one day, Adelaide comes and if you don't believe in love at first sight then the look on his face would have changed your mind.

"You know, she was a very striking girl, even at fourteen. She had this white blonde hair and these huge bright green eyes and Shawn thought that she was the most beautiful thing to ever walk the earth. He saw her on that day and was mesmerised ever since. They became best friends, he invited her into our friend group and they were inseperable. They would do everything together, they'd spend hours with each other after school and you couldn't get them away from each other. The next year when Shawn turned 16 he asked her out, they were together till he was 17, and they became the loves of each other's lives. I'd never seen Shawn so devoted to a person. He'd stay after school on a Wednesday for his music lessons and as he walked home he'd pick these small red flowers from a house on his way home and leave them at her bedroom windowsill." He spoke quietly, fiddling with his fingers and not taking his eyes from his crossed legs that lay on the ground.

"So what happened then?" I asked him, scared of the answer.

"She just left him. The reason she'd transferred to our school in the first place was because her dad's job required them to move around a lot and she never told anybody. She never told anyone that she was moving to Amsterdam. So one night she stayed over at his and when he woke up she was gone, only a letter on her pillow."

"What did it say?"

"I don't remember, i think he burned it. He was so heartbroken, he spent weeks trying to find her and he never did. He was never the same after she broke him. He smashed his beloved guitar and he burnt all the songs about her that he'd written, he crushed her mixtapes and punched thousands of holes in his walls and he just cried and cried for weeks. His whole life fell apart after that day, his grades slipped and his whole mentality to life just fell apart, his sister died just six weeks after. Then shit started spiralling, he threatened to pop someones head at soccer tryouts and got kicked off the team, he only rejoined a couple months ago. But the worst incident was when he threw a desk at Romeo Carsilla, a dude in his old calculus class, and it hit him in the face and he had to go to hospital. Romeo has made some sort of comment about shawns sister and he nearly killed him. He nearly killed a few people, Peter included multiple times-- but ill let him explain that one to you, it runs deeper than you'd imagine and I can't blame shawn for attacking peter. But, hey, things are chill now!" Will slurs before burping. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen now, Dianna. See you!" He exclaims before disappearing through the door as though he hasn't just left me with so much new information and so many more questions.

I decide to take the photo of Shawn to the kitchen to show him but I walk in and freeze instantly. His red shirt is in fistfuls in her hands and his lips are on hers, his dark hair is curled and messy and my heart drops to the floor along with the photo. It slips and crashes to the ground, shards of glass explode around me. I look down and behind the photo of him, slips out a photo of another girls face. I recognise her straight away, the same eyes, nose, jaw. It's his sister. Why's her photo hidden in the frame? Why's she hidden?

'Diana, I, I,' his voice mouths but it's silent, the speakers blast Champagne Supernova By Oasis but it's all silent.

'In a champagne supernova,

A champagne supernova'

Everything is silent.

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