⋆9⋆dump her ass

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Today's recommended song- all we know, the chainsmokers.

Today's recommended song- all we know, the chainsmokers

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Diana Hughes
October 2nd, 2016

Twenty five minutes to two. The clock that hung above Noah's fragile head gently ticked at each second. My fingers dug into the tops of my boots as I tried my hardest not to chew my fingernails.

"Hey." A small mumble and a guilty smile were greated to me with innocence as he rubbed the bump that had formed on his forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?" This was always the safest approach with Noah, never pry with Noah, I've learnt from experience. I knew if he didn't want to tell me I'd find out another way. I always did.

"No." A sigh followed after and his cold hand brushed against my bony knees. I thought about my knees and how from the angle I was looking at them they looked fat and disgusting. "What are you doing here anyway?"

It was a simple question yet I somehow hesitated.

Did I tell him I fell asleep or brush it off with a 'nothing'.

"I fell asleep." He tutted and smiled ever so slightly, his teeth gently poking out.

Before I could reply a tall, skinny lady with her glasses on the edge of her nose and her hands on her hips pointed her bony finger at me and gestured it to mr. Coles room.

I got up and slung my bag over my shoulder, raising my eyebrows at Noah as I left.

I pushed the door open and it squeaked on its hinge, opening to reveal the man I so utterly despised.


"Philip." I tossed the bag under his desk and pulled a chair to the opposite side of it. Pushing the seat back and kicking my feet onto the desk.

"What are you doing here?" He sat up tall, shoulders back, chin forward trying to convince himself that he would have some form of authority over me.

"Ah, thought I'd pay you a visit, Phil. See how the wife's doing. Charlotte? Or was it Sharon? Or Mary? Hmm." I poked my finger beneath my chin and his jaw clenched.

"Charlotte." He snapped and I smiled in delight.

"So then who's Sharon and Mary?" I pretended to be in thought momentarily then poked my finger into the air like I'd caught the answer from the sky. "Ah, yes, Sharon is your PA that you fuck on the side when charlottes not in the mood and when Sharon's not in the mood? That's what Mary's for. I'm surprised a man of your age can still get it up, congratulations Phil. " I brushed my hair from his face and internally cackled at his sheer fright. "Please, correct me if I'm wrong Philip but does dear charlotte know about these two? Because I'd be happy to enlighten her."

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