⋆7⋆disastrous leg two

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Todays recommended song: someone new- holier

Diana Hughes

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Diana Hughes.
October 1st, 2016.

He propped his large elbow up on the bar, resting his hand on his head as he watched me.

"So, how did you even climb to the top windows of my house?" I asked him, a little confused as to how he managed to do so.

"Oh yeah, about that." He gritted his teeth and I raised my eyebrows. "Uhm when I said I climbed to the top windows and knocked on them I meant I threw rocks at them and when I said I may have woken up your mother I meant I might have broken one of the windows." He shrugged his shoulders and sipped his drink through the straw.

"Shawn!" I slapped his arm and he laughed, putting the drink back on the counter. Our attention was suddenly drawn to the stage where the people watching were whistling, clapping and laughing. The comedian proceeded to tell us funny stories and me and Shawn laughed from time to time, we exchanged conversation but I mostly enjoyed his company.

Once the comedian finished people started to leave and Shawn stood up from his seat.

"Ready for leg two of the adventure?"

"Aren't I always?"


It was four thirty am when we arrived at leg two of the adventure.

I wasn't sure what leg two was but he stopped the car in front of what looked to be a river.

I turned to look at him with my eyes wide in fear, only to find another smirk on his lips.

"Why are you always doing that?"I pointed my finger at his lips and he pushed it away with a shrug.

"There's no way I'm going swimming." I told him, crossing my arms as I watched him walk down by the river bank. Or was it a lake? I wasn't sure.

"Who said we're going swimming?" He asked, dragging out a canoe. I started laughing and throwing my hands in the air.

"Where the hell do you get all this stuff!" I exclaimed, running down towards him. He ignored my question and helped me into the boat, and before we knew it we were rowing around the lake.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I ignored the question but simply replied in the form of looking at the stars with my mouth gaping open.

"Why did you do this?"

"Do what?" He stopped rowing and leant back, admiring the stars too.

"This. Wake me up at half three in the morning, plan and incredibly crazy adventure for me." He shrugged.

"I don't know how to explain it but you're constantly on my mind. I know you can call me lame and say that it's bullshit but you intrigue me and I've yet to know why." He

I didn't reply, instead I watched the perfect mess of a sky that night and listened to the splashing water and the whistles of the wind.

I sat up sharply and suddenly.

Splashing water, there shouldn't be splashing water, this is a lake not a river the water isn't supposed to be splashing.

I frantically looked about and found something splashing around in the water, something large, something that was coming towards us.

"Shawn." I grabbed his shoulder and pointed towards the thing that was coming from the bank towards us.

I pushed up against the opposite side of the boat, unaware of the identical thing that was swimming up behind me.

It got closer and I held my breath in fear, Shawn cursing himself for letting the oars fall into the lake.

The thing under the water started to show when I heard a splash and felt two weights grab my shoulders and before I knew it I was underwater, desperately trying to breath.

The hands on my shoulders disappeared and I felt myself stay to float back to the top, just as I was about to brace myself to be able to breathe my head collided with something hard on the surface. I looked up through the murky water and found I had managed to get underneath the boat. At this point my lungs felt like they were on fire and my heart was screaming out of my chest. I frantically looked around and found a hand reaching into the water. I grabbed it and was pulled out and onto the water.

Water spluttered out from my mouth and I felt an arm pat me on the back. After calming down, I looked up and found that there were two other guys now on the boat with us. I noted how Shawn was wet too and was breathing heavily as well while also rubbing my back.

"What the fuck guys?!" He yelled after establishing that I didn't need him to pay me any longer. He pushed one of the guys who had light brown hair, brown eyes and a line through his eyebrow on the chest and he went toppling backwards into the water. Shawn wiped his eyes of water and turned to the guys who was stood by me. He had brown hair also and a nose peircing. They were both wet too considering they swam over here and scared the shit out of us. I assumed they were Shawns friends.

"Chill, man, we were just fucking around with you."

"Oh fuck off will!" Shawn pushed him back into the water too before jumping in himself.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled as he submerged from the water.

"Come on, Ditch the boat. We're getting out of here!" He held his arms out as though he was gesturing for me to jump into them.

I sighed and plummeted into the lake, swimming back to shore with Shawn.

We climbed out of the water and I jumped on his back as the two other boys walked next to us.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us to your little friend shawnie boy?" The one with the nose peircing nudged Shawn.

The other guy whispered something in the nose peirced guys ear.

"Ahhh, so this is the girl."

Shawn snapped his head towards him and shot him a warning glare, much to my confusion.

"Diana, this is Will." He pointed his foot at the one with the nose peircing. "And this is peter." He kicked at the other one.

Instead of muttering a nice to meet you I rested my tired head against SHAWNS back and before I knew it we were outside my window.

"I'm sorry about those guys back there." He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. "It's at this point that is probably go in for the kiss but considering the rejection I got last time we went out I won't bother." He chucked and I cringed at the memory.

"I'm sorry about that." I looked at his enticing lips and was so tempted to attach them to my own.

"Goodnight." He waved and turned around to go back.

Oh fuck it.

"Shawn wait!" I called, running up after him. He turned around and before he could say anything I grabbed the sides of his face and pushed my lips against his soft ones. What I thought to be a sort of amazing electricity sizzled between our lips, and now, looking back on it, I release it wasn't electricity but a poison;

A poison that I so obliviously let seep into my veins and intoxicate my thoughts and feelings, thoughts and feelings that felt so real to me but were purely plastic to him.

Plastic that would win his goddamn bet.

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