⋆6⋆ leg one of the adventure

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Today's recommended song- jackie and wilson  - Hozier

Today's recommended song- jackie and wilson  - Hozier

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Diana Hughes.
October 1st, 2016.

Shawn Mendes didn't call me for two weeks. It was no surprise. I spent my nights with the boys, drowning out their chatter in the hope of hearing a phone ring. It didn't. I figured the boy had moved on, he seemed the type to meet a girl once and forget about her. Although I had also figured he got a lot further with most girls than he had gotten with me. He had gotten an awkward handshake instead of his desired kiss. Maybe that's why he hadn't called.

So when I woke up to the strange boy knocking on my window I was mostly terrified yet a little intruiged.

"What the fuck?" Were the first words I managed to breath, moments after metaphorically shitting myself. He chuckled lightly, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as he looked at the open window.

"You know It took such an effort finding this room. First of all I nearly went knocking on next doors window. Then I got here and knocked on every upstairs window- oh about that I may have woken your mother up." He raised his eyebrows and pulled the corners of his mouth down by the bottom of his chin, making a wince noise. "And then I realised your room must be on the bottom floor." He mimicked his previous actions, snapping his two fingers together. 

I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Why are you here again?" I squinted at him and the boy laughed.

"We're going on an adventure. Nice pants by the way." He gestured at the fluffy pink pants I was wearing and I nearly slammed the window in his face.

"Do we have to?" I groaned, checking the time again, it was somewhere between half past three and four.

"Yes. That is unless you want to miss out on the surprise." He looked down at his nails, still smirking.

"Goddammit, Mendes." I gave in.  He pricked his head up and tilted it at me.

"Mendes? Is that my new nickname? I like it." He hopped down from my window ledge and onto the grass, his back facing toward me as I changed my fluffy pants into some presentable ones.

"Right. Let's go." He held his hand through the window at me and I grabbed it, pulling myself through and shutting the window behind me; a mistake I would later definitely not appreciate.

We walked to his black jeep, he proceeded to the other side, jumping in the drivers seat and I got in the side next to him. He switched the heaters on and I crossed my arms.

"I can't believe I agreed to this." He grinned at the windscreen, admiring the empty roads. "You could be kidnapping me for all i know. You could just drive me off a cliff, or into a river or so deserted area and murder me." His smile shifted into a serious face, his jaw clenching.

"How'd you figure out my plan?" His serious face subsided back into the grin and I laughed.

"I won't lie you scared me a little then. I'm just really scared of being murdered."

"So when's your dad coming back from the business trip?" He looked at me in his mirrors.

"Thursday." I groaned at the thought. "I really hate that guy. Like really hate him." He sighed and his hand lifted up as though he was going to rest it on my knee to comfort me. He put it back on the gear stick.

"Why don't you come and hang out with me and my friends after school, I can drop you home when you wanna go back." He raised an eyebrow in question and I thought.

"You don't mind? It won't be dangerous will it?" I asked and he smiled again, god that smile.

"No of course not. Meet me outside your school." I nodded, not questioning how he knew what school I went to and he slowed the car down and I we were in complete darkness, nothing in sight other than what looked to be an abandoned building. "Leg one of the adventure." He pulled the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car, leaving me confused.
"Come on!" He called and I untied my seatbelt and jumped out of the car, running and catching up to him.

"What is this place? Please tell me you're not gonna kill me, this looks like a place you'd take someone to kill them." He laughed at me and I chewed my bottom lip.

"What's your obsession with being killed?"

"I don't have an obsession you just keep doing things that can result in me being killed." He stopped walking and turned to face me, I stopped fiddling with my rings and chewing my nails. He put his arms straight up beside me and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Listen to me, Rose. In life pretty much everything you do has the potential to get you killed, it doesn't matter what it is from skydiving to leaving your house, Nothing will for sure keep you alive. And believe it or not we're all gonna be dead one day, sometimes you have to take the risks and do the things that scare you because I bet you five million dollars you'll regret not doing it after. You have to live a little, Diana. Stop being a baby and have fun. Don't overthink it. Just trust me. Now take my fucking hand and walk in there with me like you own the damn place." He held his hand out to me and I smiled, grabbing and walking in.

The abandoned building turned out to not be abandoned after all. There were lots of table and chairs and lights yet everything was empty. There were sofas against all the words and soft music in the background. I stopped walking and Shawn turned around to face me.

"Why have you stopped? We're not even there yet." He smirked and pulled me round a corner revealing a stairway that went down with no lights and a long corridor at the bottom of it.

Shawn started to walk down the steps but I stopped at the top, shaking and a little scared.

"Nuh-uh. No way. I'm going back to the car I don't wanna get killed." I started to walk out but my wrist was caught by his hand.

"Diana, do you trust me?"

"I barely know you."

"Diana, live a little." And with that I followed him down the stairs.

We walked to the end of the corridor and he opened the door. It revealed a large room full of people laughing, a stage and a comedian telling jokes into the microphone. The floor was made of glass and revealed water running underneath it. There was a bar that stretched along the wall and stools that matched the colour of the countertop. People were drinking and laughing and the atmosphere felt incredible.

I felt stupid for ever doubting Shawn, I felt as though I could trust him with my life in that moment,

Oh what a stupid mistake.

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