Chapter Nine

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I woke up with Weston's head on my boob and my arms were around him. Dammit, I fell asleep at his house and I had no idea what Claire, Cora, and Mae were thinking since I never went back to Mae's house. I looked over at the clock and it was eight in the morning which was good.

"Wes, I'm gonna go." I told him as I nudged him

He sat him all groggy as I stood up and slipped on my flip flops.

"Here, get under your real cover," I told him as I took the throw blanket off of him and he got under his thick comforter. I tucked him back in.

"Thank you, Lenny." He mumbled putting his head on a pillow

I nodded as I set an alarm on his phone, "Call me when you get up fully, be at Mae's house for five."

He nodded and fell back asleep as I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me. I walked down the stairs to see Amanda drinking a smoothie.

"Thank you for staying with him Lennox." Amanda thanked me

I nodded, "Not a problem. I'll see you later."

I watch her take out a bottle of prenatal vitamins, "Oh, looks like I spilled the beans."

"You're pregnant? Weston didn't tell me." I asked Amanda

She nodded, "We've kept it a secret from the kids. I had trouble conceiving in the past and if we lost it, I didn't want to burden the kids with it."

"Oh my gosh, congratulations! How are along are you?" I asked Amanda

"Fifteen weeks." Amanda smiled "Flowy clothes helps. We were gonna tell them Sunday."

I smiled, "That's great. I better get doing, tell Weston to call me when he wakes up. He was still a little groggy."

"Bye Lennox." Amanda waved as I walked out

I got into my car and started driving. I picked up donuts before I arrived back at Mae's house. When I walked in Mae was in her living room drinking coffee.

"Long trip to your house." She pointed out

I nodded as I sat down next to her and opened up the donut box. She took one and so did I. "Where's Cora and Claire?"

"Still Asleep." She answered, "Where were you?"

I took a deep breath, "You can't tell anyone and I mean it. No one."

"Did you kill someone?" Mae asked

I shook my head, "Weston used to be in a really bad place. Long story short when he lived with his mom she was an acholic and drug addict and she had this man who was her boyfriend and he abused Weston really bad. Over text, while you were trying on dresses, we got into a disagreement and he told me to meet him at Vinny's. So I did, we talked everything through and we're fine. Then the man who abused him showed up at Vinny's. A lot of things went down then we ended up speeding to his house. He just wasn't okay after so I woke up this morning in his bed."

"I'm not even mad anymore. You go girl." Mae winked "So were you like spooning?"

I shook my head, "No I was on my back and his head was on my boob slash chest. I don't wanna talk about it."

"You liked it!" Mae assumed

I shrugged, "I didn't like hearing him cry or seeing his dad so upset that he let some man abuse his son."

"Did you kiss?" Mae asked

I frowned, "No, it's not like that."

"Well, the hair and makeup girls come at two. Do you wanna go for a walk?" Mae asked me

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