Chapter Twelve

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Weston's POV

I watched the phone drop out of Lennox's hand on to the floor. She froze, she wasn't moving, she looked scared to death.

"Lennox?" I asked her as I touched her shoulder

She still didn't say anything.

I grabbed the phone, "Hello Carson?"

"Wes, my dad just got shot by some bald guy. We're in some sketchy part of town, Matt was pumping his gas - we just needed gas - " Carson rambled with his voice shaking

"Carson where is your dad now?" I asked him

Ed, fuck.

"He still on the ground." Carson told me

I took a deep breath, "Get him in the car, lay him across the seat, and apply pressure to the wound. Carson you have to drive to the hospital or get Matt too."

"I don't even have my permit!" Carson yelled

"Get him in the fucking car and drive to the hospital Carson. You can't let him die. The police will understand if they pull you over. Put the hospital in the navigation system as Matt gets him in the car." I told him

"Ok." Carson responded as I heard them shuffle around "The hospital is ten minutes a- away."

"Is your dad in the car?" I asked

"Y-yes. Matt apply pressure!" I heard Carson

I took a deep breath, "What's' the name of the hospital? Lake Carolina Hospital."

"Alright, I'm going to get my phone and call Luke. Then we're going to start driving, we're not going to tell your mom until he's stable. We can't let her worry right now." I told him as I heard the car start up

"I'm putting the phone in the cupholder on speaker." Carson told me

Then I heard him start to drive. I put Lennox's phone on speaker as I put it down and grabbed my own phone.

I looked over at Lennox who was crying.

"That's my dad, he's gonna die." Lennox cried

"Is he conscious, Carson?" I asked him as I put my arm over Lennox

"Yes!" Matt shouted "I have the phone. One hand is applying pressure, the other is holding the phone."

I looked at Lennox, "He's going to be okay, I promise."

"Lennox, I love you so much. Alright, sweetie?" Mr. Cooper barely got out

Lennox nodded as she cried, "Daddy don't die."

"I won't, I'm gonna give it all I got okay? Tell everyone that I lo-" Mr. Cooper stopped mid sentence

"Weston, he isn't conscious anymore." Matt mumbled

Lennox grabbed the phone out of my hand, "Dammit Carson drive faster!"

"I'm going eighty in a fifty Lennox! I see the fucking hospital." Carson yelled back

I dialed Luke's number as he walked into her parent's room, "What the hell is going on?"

"Dad got shot! Now he's unconscious." Lennox told him

Then Luke froze, "I'm calling Aunt Gillian. She's gonna come here and stay with Gabe, we're going to Durham."

"No, we'll drop him off on the way. Call her and tell her we're coming. Go pack him an overnight bag." Lennox told him as he nodded and walked out

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