Chapter Sixteen

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I walked down the stairs with my keys in my hand, "Good morning."

"Hey, Lenny. Where are you going?" My mom asked me

"Well, I was going to go to the aquarium but they're closed for maintenance today. Then there's an away game today at seven, it's two hours away. They have one last practice at two then they're hitting the road. So, Wes and I are just gonna go to breakfast somewhere." I told my mom

She grinned, "Did you kiss?"

I shook my head, "No. Everyone knew that he was gonna ask me, other than me and people were staring. It's just not how I wanted it to be."

"Okay well, I'm taking the young kids to your aunt's. Tomorrow is your dad's dad's birthday and it's a hard time for him so I need to love him extra. We're gonna go to Vegas for the weekend." My mom told me

"Are you serious?" I asked my mom

She nodded, "Yeah. We'll be back Sunday night. Plus it's the last weekend before your dad goes back to coaching. I thought about Tampa or Pittsburgh, but too many bad memories. So Vegas it is."

"When are you leaving?"

"Two hours, I'm about to go drop the younger ones off. Aunt Gilly is gonna have a ball." My mom smirked

I chuckled, "Bye, text me when you leave, board, and when you land."

"I will." She told me before I walked out the front door

I got into my car and drove to Wes' house. Amanda was downstairs cooking, Blake was at practice, Brynn was helping Amanda, and evidently, Weston and Matt were still asleep.

Weston's room was clean for once, I climbed into his bed and under his arm.

"Good morning." I told Wes

Weston kissed my cheek, "What time is it?"

"Ten in the morning. Time to get up." I told him as I sat up

Weston groaned, "No, get back in bed with me."

"Wes, get up I wanna hang out with my boyfriend before he has to go all the way to Asheville for a football game." I begged him

He sat up and ruffled his hair, "Boyfriend?"

I grinned, "Yes."

"Where do you wanna go sunshine?" Weston asked me "No Vinny's."

"Yeah, I know. IHOP?" I recommended

Weston nodded, "That's fine. Alright, let me get dressed."

He got out of bed and walked to his closet, "Are you not coming to the game tonight?"

"No, I don't want to drive two hours there and back. My eyesight sucks and I don't want to drive in the dark. My parents are going out of town and I made plans." I went on

"Plans with who? Do you have another boyfriend?" Weston teased

I shook my head, "Claire, Mae, Izzy, and I are going to dinner and the movies."

"Sounds like what I should be doing with you." Weston sighed as I laid on his bed

"No, no, no football is important." I reminded him

"Yeah, but you are." Weston said

"I'm not going to get you a full ride to college." I added

Weston sighed, "I'm gonna brush my teeth."

I played on my phone with Weston got ready. Weston took longer to get ready than me. He was so meticulous about every little thing, his hair especially.

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