Chapter Twenty Seven

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I opened my computer nervously and I had to take a deep breath before I checked my email.

I looked at my calendar- June 29th and the emails went out ten minutes ago.

Everything happens for a reason.

What isn't meant to be isn't meant to be.

It is what it is.

Whatever happens, happens.

I aced that audition thought especially for someone who hasn't taken technical dance seriously in so long.

The judges would be crazy not to see my lines, turns, and arches.

You don't got this.

I clicked the mail icon and shut my eyes closed for a solid twenty seconds.

When I opened my eyes, I clicked on the email.

To Lennox G. Cooper,
   It is with great honor and pride that we welcome you into the Joffrey Ballet School's summer intensive (07/03 - 09/1) for the serious dancer.

I couldn't even finish the rest of the email. I was so excited.

Oh my gosh, I did it.

I got into Joffrey.

"Mom and dad! Come in my room." I yelled excitedly through the intercom

A few mintues later, all of siblings were gathered around my laptop staring at the acceptance email.

"Wow, you're not gonna be here all summer. I kind of sad." Luke frowned

I turned towards Luke, "Dude you're gonna be in football camps and looking at colleges all summer. We'll probably forget about each other."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" My dad interrupted

"We won't let that happen." He added

My mom stroked my hair, "Alright what do you want for dinner Gracie?"

"Uh, baked ziti with ground beef. There's so much I have to do! I have to get leotards, pointe shoes, flat shoes, my mind can't take it I'm so excited!" I rambled

My mom chuckled as she looked me in the eye, "Alright we'll get out of your way so you can make a list of what you need."

As my family walked out of my room, I thought about something.


It was hard to do considering we were jumping at each other's throats for the past few weeks. I got out my phone and started texting him. I told him that we needed to talk yet again and he agreed.

I slipped on my furry moccasins, grabbed my keys, and walked out the door.

As I drove, I thought about our relationship. We'd been dating for nearly eight months and in the past month or two, we weren't as nearly as happy as we were in the beginning. I thought the honeymoon stage was fake until I actually lived it. We'd been walking on thin ice.

And it sucked.

It felt weird because when I became closer to him it felt like we were growing apart. Maybe we were.

It was something we couldn't ignore anymore, we had to talk it out.

When I got to the Johnson household, no one was there. Other than Weston's Jeep.

"Hey." I greeted him plainly as he let me in

"Wes, we really need to talk." I started leaning against the couch that was in the living room

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