Chapter Thirty Three

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I woke up at nine in the morning, bright and early.

Today was the day that we visited Weston's mother.

Weston and I still weren't dating, but we definitely didn't dodge each other anymore. We could be in the same room and hold a conversation, we went to weird restaurants together, he was my best friend.

As for Mae, over the past few weeks, we bonded and got over the fact that should would hopefully be Mae Cooper in a decade or so.

But for visiting Weston's mom, I was scared, nervous, maybe even a tad excited? Either way, I didn't know what to think and I really didn't know what Weston was thinking.

"Hello?" A voice said answering the phone

"Hey, I was just calling to see if you were up," I replied as I walked into my bathroom

"Yeah, I didn't really sleep much. My dad's going out to grab breakfast in thirty minutes or so. When are you coming over?" Weston asked me as I took the braids out of my hair with one hand

I looked at the time, "I guess around ten fifteenish."

"Ok, I'll let you get ready. Bye." Weston said ending the call

I put my phone down and finished doing my hair. Then I brushed my teeth, did some light makeup, and then put my clothes on which was a white shirt. jeans, and a gray cardigan.

"Lennox, are you dressed?" My dad asked knocking on my door

"Yeah." I answered as I put my slide on loafers on

My dad walked in, "So you remember everything I told you?"

"Yes. Don't mention anything about you, mom, my brothers or sisters, don't talk about where we live, I know Dad. I'm going to pick my words carefully." I promised him

My dad nodded, "Alright, you have your ID and everything?"

"Yes, I'm going to leave now," I said picking up my keys

"Stay safe, call me if you need anything and I mean anything." My dad told me

I gave him a hug, "Love you, I'll see you later."

"Love you too, Lenny. Text me when you make it to their house." My dad said as I pulled out of the hug

I went downstairs, got in my car, and drove to the Johnson house. When I got there, I still had the key to their house that I never gave back.

"Weston," I called out and looked around

"He's upstairs," Amanda answered from the living room

I walked in to see her and Lilly cuddling.

"Goodmorning," I told her before I went up the stairs

I opened up the door to Weston's bedroom. I assumed he was taking a shower, because of the noise coming from the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, took off my shoes, and laid on his bed.

It brought back so many memories and it smelt like him.

"Lennox?" Weston called out as I heard the shower water turn off

"It's me," I responded as I laid on my back

I heard him shuffling around in his bathroom as I continued to scroll through my phone and fall asleep a bit.

"Hey state champ." I greeted him as he walked out of the bathroom

Weston grinned, "Hey Lenny."

"What should I ask her? What should I say to her?" Weston rambled

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