Who Says I Want Trouble?

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Chp.5- Who Says I Want Trouble?

I awoke to the annoying sound of birds chirping outside. I pulled the duvet cover over my head trying to block out the noise. I heard the window slide open and Juliette yell: "SHUT UP!" Seems like I'm not the only person who hates mornings. I pulled the duvet cover back down and turned my head to the right. There stood Juliette in her pink pajamas shorts glaring at the tree outside our window. My guess was that she was glaring at the birds.

"Morning," I said while getting off the bed. No point in trying to sleep now.

Juliette quickly turned around with her eyes wide, "I'm so sorry. I forgot you were in here."

"Don't sweat it," I said while walking to the bathroom. "It happens all the time."

I closed the door of the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth and tried to tame my hair. After thirty minutes I looked somewhat presentable. I walked outside and checked the clock on the night table. It was noon. Damn, I had been asleep for around 12 hours or more. I looked over to where Juliette was trying to fall back asleep, although she kept tossing and turning every second.

I tip toed to the door and opened it as slightly as I could. I jumped outside crashing into a solid chest that sent electric currents of chills all over my body. There was only one person who could do that. Scott.

I looked up to find Scott with a guilty expression on his face.

"What," I whisper-yelled, "are you doing here?"

"I was just walking to my office," he explained. That was probably the worst excuse I've ever heard. "Why are you whispering?"

I ignored his last question, "Is that so? Then why aren't you at the other end of the hall where the staircase is?" I walked past him and started walking down the hall.

"I got lost," he yelled.

"You're a bit too old to be getting lost in your own home!" I yelled without turning back around to see what his reaction would be.

I arrived at the kitchen without bumping into anyone else, but, as I walked in I saw three guys sitting at the island and a girl cooking. They all appeared to be around my age, if not older. I walked to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice carton. Then, I walked to the cupboards and pulled out a glass cup.

"Hey beautiful," I heard one of the boys say.

I didn't turn around and kept pouring the juice in cup.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who dissed Britney last night at dinner?" Another voice asked.

This time I did turned around with a smile on my face and my cup in my hand.

"Yep," I said while taking the empty seat across from them.

"It was about time that someone gave her a little taste of her own poisoned apple," said the boy on my left with ginger hair, a lot of freckles, a nice smile and green eyes. "I'm Jasper by the way."

"Nice to meet you Jasper, my name's Annabella," I replied.

"My name's Dimitri," said the blond guy to my right with warm brown eyes. "And that's my mate Jennifer." He pointed at the girl with blonde hair cooking. She turned around and smiled at me.

"And I'm Zeke," the guy with brown hair and mysterious dark blue eyes introduced himself. It was an understatement to say that they were all gorgeous. Model material, and most importantly, they looked like nice people.

"Nice to meet you all," I said while finishing my juice.

I got up from my chair and placed my cup on the counter. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Nate, telling him to come meet me at the pack house. Then, I went back to sit down.

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