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Chp.27 - Confusion

"Anna?" I heard a voice ask from far away. Who was speaking? The voice sounded so familiar.

"I'm here," I wanted to say, but the words wouldn't come out. Where was here anyway? As far as I know I am surrounded by an inmmense darkness. A deep fear shook my body as I remembered the last thing that happened. Was I dead?

All I remember was Jennifer acussing me of Dimitri's death. How she was shocking me, footsteps and yelling. Then, nothing. Utter darkness.

"Anna?" A voice as soft as the wind whispered.

I couldn't help myself as I said the next words. I had to be sure I wasn't going crazy. "God, is that you?"

I heard multiple chuckles around the room and knew that I probably wasn't speaking to God. He wouldn't be laughing at a girl who asked if it were actually him. I willed myself to open my eyes. A bright light blinded my eyes and I quickly shut them back close. This time I was less eager to open my eyes.

"Brandon, if that's you I'll have let you know that I am hiding a knife in my pants, so don't try anything," I warned to whoever was in the room with me. I could feel there presence. I didn't quite know how many people there were, but from the amount of laughter it was a group of maybe 5 people. Anyways, I was probably in no shape to fight against an 8 year old kid. Since the kid would win.

"Anna, just open your goddamn eyes already," the voice said. That was definetly something the Brandon I left behind would say.

Slowly I opened my right eye. I blinked several times before I got used to the light. Once I did I opened my other eye and stared at a light pull that was right above my head.

Juliette's head poped out in front of me and I let out a scream as I clutched my heart.

"Ohmygod," I whispered. "Your not God."

"Obviously, " Jules stated. Abby and Zeke's head also poped up in front of me. They were looking down at me amused.

"How do you feel Anna?" Abby asked slightly worried.

"I feel like shit," I admitted. My head was pounding and my back hurt as if someone had given me a massage with rocks from the Grand Canyon. What was worse of all was my sudden amnesia. "Help me stand up," I ordered as I slowly started to sit up with the help of Zeke.

I looked around the room and everything was white. The bed I laying on, the curtains, the ceiling and even the light gave off a white lighting.  For this place to noy be heaven, it surely looks like it with all this white decor.

"Where am I?" I asked Abby.

"The hospital," Juliette replied instead of Abby. I turned to look at her. No wonder  there was sp many white. Hospitals are in fact the place in between earth and heaven.  Or too many people die in hospitals.

"W-where's...Where's Jenn?" I asked hesitantly.

Abby, Jenn and Zeke looked between themselves. They were having a silent argunent on weather to tell me the truth. On their faces was the same face I had when I told my dad I was at the library studying.

"Don't lie to me," I warned.  "I know your preparing to. But please, don't. " I whispered the last word almost inaudibly.  But I knew they heard me. Any supernatural creature with heightened senses would've.

Abby was the first one to look at me out  of the three of them. "She's fine Anna, you don't need to worry about her."

"How cam you say that?" I asked incredulous.  "Last time I saw her she was in a mentally fragile state. So much that she-"

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