Weapons of Silver

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Thank you @Anna_Thordaughter for the cover





Chp. 14- Weapons Of Silver

I've tried calling Nate 44 times since last night, but he wouldn't pick up the phone. Which angered me and made me through my phone across the room. Not only was I hungry and in a house with a traitor, but I had now lost the only contact I had with the outside world.

It was already noon, I couldn't hide in this room longer. Annabella Woods was not a coward. But still, something was off here.

I walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen, I remembered where it was from last night. There I found Brandon, Jesse and Abby sitting at the table.

I ignored them as I walked inside and grabbed an apple off the fruit basket in the center of the table.

"Anna?" I heard Jesse's voice ask. I kept my back towards him. "Anna, I would've never let anything happen to you or Tori."

I turned around and noticed that his voice didn't quite match his expression. I decided to play along and nodded.

"You're right," I said and sat down on the table. "I'm sorry I judged you without knowing your true motives." If only he knew I was apologizing for trusting him in the beginning. Gosh, I even told him I was leaving.

"Now that that's settled, let's talk about invasion tactics," Brandon said all business.

"Please ladies, this is something private," Jesse said gesturing to the door. Unlike most pack houses, it seemed to me only Brandon and Abby stayed here. I was about to say we weren't going anywhere but Brandon beat me to it.

"No Jesse, they stay. Annabella here was the one who made the plan to kill the luna of the Blue Moon Pack," Brandon informed Jesse.

Jesse looked at me with admire and I thought I might just throw up. "Well then, I'm gade we have you as an ally rather than as an enemy."

I grinned on him and clenched my hands at my sides, so I wouldn't end up punching him. Or accidentally throwing my apple against his face. All of which wouldn't be done on purpose of course.

"Annabella, could you tell us what you have in mind?" Jesse asks and I can see Abby looking at me with worry.

"Food," I joked. But apparently they didn't find my joke to funny. Brandon's eyes turned pitch black and I coughed. "We can enter from the lake, there are almost no wolves there. Then head behind the pack house. For some strange reason they have no one guarding that area, but it's always full with teenagers and kids." Abby looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

I knew what I was doing, she didn't understand. She didn't have to understand and I wasn't going to explain.

"Great," Jesse said. "Now let's go and attack."

All of us looked at him as if he had two heads instead of one. "You're new at this, aren't you?"

"I was Beta over there, believe me, I am not new at this," Jesse defined. "Why can't we go attack now that we have the plan?"

"Unless you want to return with less than 1/8 of the pack, I suggest we start training and assigning people their places," I lectured. But it was more directed to Brandon than it was for Jesse.

Brandon nodded and stood up to get everyone to the training grounds. Just like in my pack, the Crystal Moonlight Pack, both men and women train and go to battle. That's what made us stronger, unity and trust.

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