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Naomi's POV

The past few weeks have gone by fast, nothing has really happened everyday its the same, waking up for school, having breakfast and my family starring at me weirdly, you know the usual.

School is about to finish, we have just 1 week left, I'm so excited to have 2 complete months of vacations from school, I hate school but at the same time is like a place to get away from my parents that pretty much think I'm screwed up.

"Hey, lunch is ready" Lea said entering my room.

"I'm not hungry" I said trying to avoid going down and see everyone.

"Sorry but that's no an option" she said annoyed.

"Fine" I stomped down stairs and took a seat at the counter.

"No honey, come sit with us at the table" my mom said grabbing the bowls with food and walking towards the table.

"No, I want to eat with out everyone staring" I said and she handed me a plate from the table.

"Okay, just come to grab whatever you want, there's salad with chicken or grilled fish" she said as I walked to the table, just mom and I were down here.

I went to the counter and started eating, everyone came down eventually and were eating at the table as I was washing my dishes.

I thank mom and went up to my room, after a few minutes Cara was knocking at my door, I unlocked it and let her come in.

"What's wrong with you?, why didn't you eat at the table?" she asked with concerned eyes.

"I'm sick and tired of everyone watching me and everything I do!!!" I screamed.

"I know everyone watches you, but its because you are a freak!!!" she screamed at me.

"Get out of my room" I said and pointed at the door.

"Just know that in this house everything has to revolve around you, everyone is tired of that, we can't have a normal life because you are always anxious about something or just wanting our attention" she said and stormed out my room.

If that's what everyone thinks about me, then I might as well leave, and I mean forever.

I went into my bathroom and opened my medicine cabinet, grabbed my sleeping pills and my water bottle.

Well I guess this is goodbye.

I grabbed a handful and drank them all, soon I started to feel dizzy, I laid down as everything went black.

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