Go red shogun!

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Kai's POV

The guys and i were walking on Ninjago streets and had a great time. Until i saw him.
The Kill Jaw.

Let's just say.. i don't have a good history with that guy.. when i was the Red Shogun i had to battle him.

Legends say that nobody could or can defeat him.
I thought this was a piece of cake, but it was the opposite. So i ended up in broken legs and a blue eye. Since then i tried to avoid him, or else he'll make fun of me. And no way that's gonna happen if my friends are here.

We are walking on the streets. The Kill Jaw walked towards our direction.
I quickly hide behind Cole hoping he wouldn't see me.
"What are you doing?!" He almost yelled.
"Can't you just shut up?!" I whisper yelled. Almost panicking because the Kill jaw came closer towards our direction. But it was already to late..

"Well well well.. isn't it the red shogun." He taunted while facing me.
"Good to see you too." I muttered under my breath.
"What do you say Smith? Why so shy? Oh i remember , it was since the 'Accident' isn't it."

"Which accident?" Jay interrupted.

"Oh so you didn't tell your friends Smith? Well i'm gonna explain it with lot's of love.. he lose from me in a battle and since then , your first place is gone. As your pride." He smirked.
"Shut up." I said annoyed.

"Why so big mouth hot head? I should be careful if i was you" he taunted while 'playfully' punching my shoulder.

"Hey! He's not a hot head! And if i was you , i should shut up your ugly mouth before Kai burn you into crisps!"
I turn around to see my best friend defending me.
"Lloyd.." i warned.

"Oh is that so?" Kill Jaw taunted.
"Yes! He'll kick your butt if you two have a fight again!" Lloyd almost yelled.
I face palmed at what he just said.

"Okay then, tomorrow 3 o'clock AM .. see you there Smith, oh and good luck, you probably need that." After that he chuckled darkly while walking away.

"Lloyd are you nuts?! How do you think i'm gonna win?! I have just one day to train! That isn't enough!" I panicked while yelling at him.

"Don't worry Kai, we'll all help you. And besides you have gone through much , i think you can beat that guy." Cole said.

But after that he said that. We saw Kill Jaw punching a men so hard that he was flying a few feet away. He landed as we all winced.

"Okay.. i doubt that now.. But we'll help you anyway." Cole finished with an unsure smile.
I just gulped still looking at the men who doesn't move. "I hope so.."

The next day i had a lot of training. And with a lot i mean a lot. Cole sat on my back while i had to do 500 push ups. I had to run 10 km. And and lots more.
I'm exhausted, my whole body ached and i think my left feet is numb now. I laid lazy in my bed not even worrying about tomorrow.
My energy is just up.

"WAKE UP KAI!" Lloyd yelled while holding pans and slashing them together.
I yelled as i fell from my top bunk with a loud thump. I just groaned still laying on the ground.

"2.. am.." I mumbled first, but then I realized something  "oh shoot!" i quickly put on my ninja gi, brushed my natural hair, eat Cole's last peace of cake, brushed my teeth, and came running back to Lloyd.
"Woah 10 minutes , your fast Kai." Lloyd said almost amazed "But i was kidding , it's half past 10"

Ninjago Oneshots ~ by Lego_Ninjago_kai_Where stories live. Discover now