Fusion ninjas

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It was a normal day in Ninjago. The sun was high in the sky and there were no villains around.
So Wu saw this day for an opportunity to teach his students a new power. Fusion power.
His father (The first spinjitzu master) always told him about it. Wu actually thought that it was a myth, but Misako's scrolls says otherwise.
So he wanted to try it today, because.. why not?

He gathered all the ninja's on the training corse. For his luck Skylor came to visit Kai this day and wanted to train with them too. And Pixal was always nearby. He was shocked when he heard that Pixal was the samurai X, but proud although.

"So.. what do you want to teach us Wu?-" Cole asked but to be cut off by Jay.

"Yeah? I mean we're ninja's, we know everything. We can do Spinjitzu and Cyclondo!" He said enthusiastically while punching one hand in the air.

"Well.." Wu began "Have you ever heard of Fusion?" He finished while stroking his beard.

"Yes, it is where two objects or other things can be formed into one." Zane stated.

"Well my father always told me about that one elemental master can be from into one with a regular person or elemental master, I thought that was a myth. But since Misako found her scrolls with how Fusion works, I wanted to see how y'all will work with the responsibility."

"Woah." Kai said amazed "So you wanna say that I can Fusion with anyone." He said it more like a statement instead a question.

"Yes-" but before Wu could finish his sentence Jay already began to ramble things through it.

"I volunteer me and Nya!" He said while putting his left arm in the air.

"Well, then I'll go with hotshot." Skylor said while winking at Kai who blushed at the action.

"Pixal and I will go together, maybe our bond will be more stronger after this experience." Zane smiled.
Pixal smiled back "Indeed."

"But I don't wanna go with Lloyd!"
"But I don't wanna go with Cole!"

Cole and Lloyd said at the same time. "Hey! I'm not that ugly."

"You two must." Wu said with determination in his voice "Well, now that you're all ready, you have to take your partners hands in yours. And feel the others powers through you.."

As Wu said that, the ninja's already began to start. They were concentrating. Well.. Cole and Lloyd were struggling and certainly didn't like to be each other's partners in this subject in training.

"Be one with each other.. "

Before Wu even could blink, there was a bright light. He had to squint his eyes from the impact. When he light faded away he saw to his surprise 4 person's.

There was a girl with Long orange/brown hair. She was wearing an blue gi with grey highlights. Her face looked soft and though at the same time. In her eyebrow was a little notch and her eyes were Blue. She was a perfect combination of Jay and Nya.

There was also a boy with Red spiked up messy hair with an gi who fades from orange to red. His face was pretty handsome and attractive but also caring and hotheaded.
A Kai and Skylor combination.

And a feminine nindroid. Her hair was at the front wavy and had a ponytail. She was wearing a Purple gi with a white waistband and some decorations. The nindroids face is almost the same as Pixal but a bit differently. The eyes were blue like Zane's instead of Green. The eyelashes were a bit smaller and she had Zane's smile. As you can see a combination of Zane and Pixal.

Ninjago Oneshots ~ by Lego_Ninjago_kai_Where stories live. Discover now