Cole x reader

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Your POV

I sighed as I saw Cole walking out the temple with Samantha , I wish I was her instead that-
Woah easy y/n cursing is out of your league.

I have a crush on Cole for a while.. well actually for years. but he doesn't feel the same for me.. Now it is just.. a dream.

Before I joined the ninja team I already knew Cole. When we were kids I comforted him when he failed in the triple tiger sashe. We were best friends after that.

Years later he joined the Marty Oppenheimer, it was a nice time.
It only lasted for 2 days before he was gone, but I knew why. We told each other secrets.

And now we're together in a ninja team, pretty funny isn't it.
I sighed , I hoped that just one day.. just one day, he could be in love with me.

1 hour later

I was mocking on the couch while I heard a door slam behind me. I looked up to see Cole walking like a mad man towards the kitchen and sitting on a chair with irritation.

I decided to ask him what happened, he would never hurt me or something like that.

"Cole?" I asked while sitting next to him.

"What?" I heard his voice slightly cracking.

"What's wrong?" I was worried now, he never almost cried.

He sighed "it's about Samantha.. we.." he said but trailed off.

"We.. what?" I asked as gentle as I could, but I just wanna know what happened.

"We.. broke up." He looked at me with glassy eyes.
I felt sympathy for him, but in the inside I was yelling of happiness.

"Cole.. I'm so sorry." I said gentle as I could.
I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"Thanks y/n.." he whispered "you're always there for me.. I don't know what I could do without you."

I blushed at what he said "N-no problem Cole, I'm always here for you.. you know that right."

We both separated from the hug as we looked in each other's eyes. Cole's eyes are normal now and instead with a sad face, he was smiling which made my heart flutter.

I smiled back. Okay tell him now your feelings y/n. It's now or never!

"Cole I-" I was cut off by him kissing me.
I was shocked at first but I didn't think twice about kissing back.
He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance , I gladly accepted as he searched my wet caves.
I moaned slightly through the kiss as i put my arms around his neck.

We both separated as we panted.
"Y/n?" He asked
"Yeah?" I response.
"Do you want to be my new and better girlfriend?" He asked while joking.
"Yes!" I yelled "I-I mean.. yes i'd love to." I blushed.

Well I think my dream has come true

Ninjago Oneshots ~ by Lego_Ninjago_kai_Where stories live. Discover now