Kai x Reader part 2

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Kai's POV

Do you know the feeling when you have to do a presentation in front of a class?
Well I'm feeling it right now but 10 times worse.

I want to purpose Y/N but I'm so nervous..
what if something goes wrong?

I have to make it perfect. So I decided to go to Ninjago's most popular place.
'Bon appetit'. People say that it has a big success and that you have to order months before you want to go.

And damn they were right. I had to wait 3 month's. That's crazy right? But everything to make it perfect.
I'm now putting on my smoking as I looked into the mirror.

"C'mon Kai.." I motivate myself "You can do it. No need to be nervous, just be yourself and everything will be fine-"

"Kai?" Called a voice "Are you ready to go?"

I recognized it as Y/N's "Y-Yeah I'm coming!" I response.

When I approached her I couldn't hide my smile.
"Y/n.. you look so beautiful" I said dreamly.

She chuckled a little bit what made my heart beat faster "Well thank you.. and you look.. handsome." I swear I saw her blushing.

"Well led me lead you my princess." I joked while taking her hand.

"Oh your such a gentleman." She joked too and chuckled "Where are we actually going?"

I open the door of my car for her as she stepped in "That's a suprise."

"Mmm.. interesting.." she smirked.

When we finally arrived it was already 7 o'clock. "So.. what's the surprise?" Y/n asked curious while stepping out of the car.

"This." I said while I pointed to the expensive restaurant. The building was covered in lights and you could see some people walking in there. It almost look like one of those villa's for millionaires.

I heard her gasp of excitement and shock beside me "Oh my gosh Kai! This is the most expensive restaurant in Ninjago!"

I chuckled at her reaction "It wasn't a big deal." I brushed off. Okay, that was totally a lie. You don't wanna know how much energy and time i spend to get ONE reservation.
A servant leaded us towards our table as Y/N spoke to me with disbelieve.

"Not a big deal?! I've heard that people have to wait month's before you even can make a reservation."

No kidding.

"Everything for you." I smiled while getting into my seat as Y/N did the same.

I've sworn I saw her blush "Thank you so much Kai, I actually never thought I would see this place." She said amazed.

I chuckled but then I began to think of how I have to propose her. I fiddled with the small box in my pocket. "Hey Y/N.." I began.

"Yeah?" She asked me while raising an eyebrow.

"I-" I wanted to say but to be cut off by an explosion or something. "W-what was that?" I looked at my surroundings as I saw a.. fire?! You have to be kidding me..

People were already panicking and running outside. "C'mon! We need to go!" Y/N yelled.

"Yeah." I grabbed her hand as we both wanted to run outside. I made it to the door but the ceiling collapsed between Y/N and I.

"No!" I yelled while trying to get the part of the building out of the way "Y/N! Are you alright?!"

"Y-Yeah.." She couched "Go Kai.. there's no way I get out of here.."

I frowned "No way I'm leaving! I'll find a way to get you out of here!" After that I said that, an another part of the ceiling collapsed. I jumped out of the way before it could hit me.

"Kai.." I could hear about her tone that she's trying to stay strong for me "Leave before you'll die too.. be happy."

I still tried to get the part of the building out of the way, not thinking about leaving her. "Kai.." she began again.

"I can't Y/N.." I said hurt by the fact that she maybe wouldn't make it out in time "I can't be happy.. not without you.. I want to have a life with you, having an family. you are my happiness.." I took a deep breath "I love you Y/N."

I heard her chuckled slightly "I love you Kai.."

When she said that I felt an burst of energy through me. My body became transparent as flames came out. The collapsed part of the building vanished by my touch as I could see Y/N looking in amazement at me.
"Kai.. you reached your full potential!" She said amazed and relieved.

"Let's get out of here." I said before forming an shield around us and flying out of the building. I could already see some people trying to put out the fire so it'll be okay.
We are both lying against a tree as her head was on my chest. "Hey Y/N.." I began.

"Yeah?" She responded while facing me.

"I'm sorry that our date is pretty much ruined.." I rubbed the back of my neck while looking at the ground in guilty.

"Hey.. it's okay, you didn't know that there would be a fire and stuff like that." She caressed my cheek with her hand as she smiled softly.

"But I thought it would be perfect..." I sighed looking at the stars who were shining bright in the dark sky.

"It doesn't have to be perfect.. I mean, I really like this too. I'm not a diva or something who needs Gucci." She joked.

I chuckled "You're right, and that's why I'm doing this."

She looked at me with confusing in her eyes "Doing what?"

I smiled as I stood up and began sitting on one knee, I heard her gasp as she put her hands over her mouth as tears wanted to fall from her eyes

"Y/N, I love you for a really long time and.. wow remember the first time when we met? we were pretty much rivals. But slowly you began to mean so much for me. The only thing I want to ask you is.." I put out the small box as i opened it to reveal a beautiful ring "Do you wanna marry me?"

"Yes! Now kiss me HotShot!" She said excitedly as she practically pushed me onto the ground. I chuckled as we both closed the gap. This kiss was the most passionate kiss I've ever had in my life, but it felt good.

Like fairy tails always say. we'll live happily ever after.

Ninjago Oneshots ~ by Lego_Ninjago_kai_Where stories live. Discover now