Kai x reader

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Requested by : @Kay_the_kai_lover

Kai's POV

It's been a week since we last saw her. I couldn't even tell her how i felt for her.. and now she's gone.
We searched days for her, without luck. Everyone give up on her. But i don't, i won't give up that easily.'
We're now eating in the dining room but it just feel so unfamiliar.. it's not the same without her.
There is a uncomfortable silence and i can't live anymore like that.

"That's it!" I said while i stood from my chair "We have to find her! I can't live anymore like this!"

"We know Kai, but we have no idea where she is, since the accident with Garmadon and the mega weapon.." Nya said but she trailed off to hold in her sobs.

"Well i'm gonna find y/n , if it's the last thing i'll do" i response.

"Kai wai-" Cole said but it was to late, i was already gone.

I was walking towards our favorite place .. under the tree at the top of the hill.

It was a pretty relaxing place tho , there could i think clearly.
But when i arrived i saw somebody already sitting there.

Not just somebody.. it's y/n!

"Y/n!" I yelled of happiness.
But when she turned around , my happiness was completely gone.

She had blood red eyes who were staring right into my soul.
"Y/n.. w-what happened to you?" I stuttered.

Instead of answering she attacked me i quickly sidestepped to avoid it.
"What are you doing?! It's me Kai, do you remember me?" I said.
For a second her eyes were turned normal. But it quickly turned blood red again.

That's it i need to tell her my feelings.
"Y/n listen.. i need to tell you something.. i am-" i said but i was quickly cut off by her attacking me.
But she literally jumped on me like a lion who's attacking for his dinner.

So we ended up in an.. awkward position. Her on top and me below.
"Listen i need to tell you someth-" i said but to be cut off again by her slashing at me.
I avoided every punch and pushed her off me.

I hate to hurt her but she left me no choice, and i don't want to be killed.. by my crush.

"Y/n listen!" I almost yelled.
She breathed heavily as she stood up.

"I only obey my master" y/n said darkly. I felt chills running through my back.
"Y-your master?" I stuttered.
"Garmadon hot head." She said while walking towards me.

"Hey! I'm not a hot head!" I snapped. I held in a chuckle, because when she was with us we always complained about each other and had many discussions like this.

For a moment her eyes were normal as she stuttered a word weakly "K-kai.."
but her eyes quickly turned red again.

"Fight it y/n ! i know you can do it!" I said.
I saw her struggling to bring back her own control.

I walked towards her.. slowly, i hate it to see her in pain

"Y-y/n?" I stuttered unsure of the situation.

Faster as lightning she pinned me to the tree with a loud thump while our faces almost touched each other. I felt my face heat up of the closeness.
I let out a groan of pain while the air was knocked out of me.

There was only one thing left to do..
i kissed her on her lips with much passion.

I felt her grip loosen while she kissed back. We separated for air as i could see her familiar y/e/c eyes.
"Did you just.. kiss me?" She asked confused.
"Or course, why so confused?" I smiled, happy to have her back.

"I-i thought you like Skylor.. and not me." She said while she looked sad at the ground.
I lifted up her chin to look at me "I like you y/nz, not Skylor" i smiled.

She smiled back as we kissed again.. with more passion this time.
I decided to heat things up.
I licked her bottom lip to ask entrance. She gladly accepted it as my mouth searched her wet caves.
When there was no more to discover inside i pulled out while we both just stared at each other.
Just don't believing that she's back.

We decided to sit under the tree with her head on my chest.
Looking at the stars above us.
"I love you Kai." She said.
"I love you to y/n" i said while i give her a kiss on the cheek.

Later we decided to go to the temple.
The others were so happy that they decided to give a party.
Nya had to cry of course and even Jay had to held back a sob.

Yupp everything is just it have to be.
And i have something what will be a big surprise.. for everyone.
I just can tell.. i have already a ring.

Hello everybody , as you can see i have decided to make this book.
You can leave suggestions and plots for your chosen characters.
I'll update this book A.S.A.P as i can.
Well i hope you enjoyed this chapter , SEE YA NEXT TIME.

Lego_ninjago_Kai_ OUTT.

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