Everything will be alright

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Lloyd's POV

I walked silently through the forest surrounding my father's monastery. The imminent storm blocking all the light of the sun. I didn't care. It had only been a week since we defeated the Anacondrai.
Everyone and everything was at peace. All except for me.. I had lost my father that day.

He was banished to the cursed realm so that Chen and his Anacondrai army could be stopped. It worked , but at the cost of his life.

I never thought my life could be so empty without him. He isn't down in the training hall when I get up. He isn't there to encourage me to train, and he isn't there when I return at night.
He was more than a father. More than a sensei. He was my friend.. my best friend.

I stopped walking and blinked back my tears. Rolls of thunder echoed through the alley, and flashes of lightning filled the sky with white light. I began to walk back to the monastery.

When I heard footsteps behind me, My heart pounded as I spun around.
"Who's there?!" I called.
A stranger stepped out of the shadows, his grey hair whipping in the fierce storms of wind. Were my eyes playing tricks on me or is this real?

It can't be... can it? I thought.

"Hello Lloyd." He said. His voice calmed down the storm and time itself stopped.

I gasped and took a step back "Dad?" I asked.

"Everything will be alright.." he said.

"What is going on?" I questioned taking a step towards him, but he only seemed to be farther away. "Okay this is crazy!" I stopped dead in my tracks "You're banished, trapped in the cursed realm like forever! , and how are you here?! And what do you mean by 'Everything will be alright'?!" All the anger I had within erupted like a volcano.

"Did you ever think how banishing yourself would affect us!? Mom needs you! I need you, dad! You were my best friend.." I felt my anger subside, it was replaced by sorrow.

"You're probably not even really here...it's just my minds tricking me.." I said quietly, looking down at the grass. "If I could redo what happened that day, I would. I wouldn't have yelled at you, then stormed off...I would have said I'm sorry for never listening to you.. and I would have told you how much you mean for me.."

After that what seemed like forever he took a step forward and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Lloyd" he said "Look at me."

I lifted my head and met his gaze.

"I forgive you. And I hope you will forgive me. It was a hard decision but it needed to be done.. but I promise you, you'll see me again." A small smile formed on his lips.

"But how?" I asked

"You just have to wait and see.." he said mysteriously, then removed his hand from my shoulder and stepped back "It's time.."

"Time for what?" I asked.

"Lloyd, wake up.." he said as he was going to fade from my vision.

"Wait! Dad!" I called reaching out for him as everything went black.

"Dad!" I yelled, sitting up. I looked around frantically, my heart pounding. I'm not in the forest anymore. I was in my bed, the monastery. It was all a dream..

There was a knock on the door as my mother came in "Lloyd, are you alright? I heard a shout from your room.." she said.

"I'm fine mom." I smiled "Everything will be alright."
She nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

I looked at the family photo on my nightstand, focused on my dad and smiled.
"Thanks dad.." I said almost in a whisper "I forgive you."

Aahhhh this was sooo intense. But I'm exited for season 8. You guys?

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