Lloyd x Skylor

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Lloyd's POV

I was walking in Ninjago city until I heard.. sobbing?
I walked towards the sound to see.. Skylor?! She was sitting on a bank that was near Zane's statue.

"Skylor? Why are you crying?" I asked while sitting next to her.
"None of your business.." she sobbed.

"Sorry.." I trailed off "I just wanted to help you." I wanted to stand up but a hand grabbed my wrist.

"S-sorry" she stuttered "I'm just mad and sad and i..." she trailed off as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"But what happened? You don't have to tell it if you don't want to." I said with a gentle voice.

"K-kai and I broke up.." she stuttered "I never thought it would have such a big impact.."

"Want was the reason you two broke up? I mean-if you want to tell me." I quickly said.

"Well let's just say.. it was my fault.." she sighed while putting her hands on her head.

"Well then you have to apologize right?" I said gently while smiling.

"I know.. but I think he never want's to see me again.. so why apologizing?" She looked at me with glistering eyes.

"I know he want's to see you again.. as his best friend i practically know how his mind works." I joked.

She chuckled at my terrible joke.

"Are you sure? Do Kai really want's to see me again?"

"Of course, after the tournament he couldn't stop talking about you 'Oh Skylor is so beautiful' or 'I hate Dareth for interrupting our kiss' " I imitated Kai with a higher voice to lighten up the mood.

I heard Skylor laughing "I believe you, thank you Lloyd.. you owe me one." She smiled.

"No problem, I'm always here to help." I smiled back. "Now stand up with your lazy ass and apologize to Kai!" I joked.
I immediately blushed at what I just said.

She just laughed at my reaction "It's okay Lloyd, we all make mistakes."

I awkwardly rubbed the back of my head "Yeah.. I think so.. but if I may ask for the last time, what happened?"

"Well I wanted to take Kai to the shopping centre for.. you know, shopping! But he refused and then we argued but it is my fault because I started this.. and i wasn't in a good mood." She answered.

"I understand." I said.

"Well I have to go, see you later Lloyd.. you're like a brother for me." She said before hugging me and walking off.

I actually understand Kai,
1. Boys don't go shopping and 2. He's banned from the shopping center.
Let's just say.. the day turned out by a fire 'Accident'
That's why he never goes shopping for groceries, I think Skylor didn't know that..

But she'll come after that eventually.

I chuckled at myself from the memory as I walked towards the place where I meant to be.
The candy shop, duh! I'm the green ninja but that doesn't mean I can have a sugar rush

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