Chapter 15 --- The Cliff

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A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry it took me so long to update, but I had a bad case of writers block. I now have 13 fallowers! YAAAAAAAAY!!!! Thank You Guys!! Your Awsome!!! 


> Third Person <

Merida and Erik fell screaming into the ocean below. Merida hit the freezing water and swam to the surface. She was starting to regret leaving her winter stuff behind. She looked up and saw that they fell a couple hundred feet.

"Help!" Merida looked behind her and saw Erik holding on to a rock that was sticking out of the ocean.

Merida swam to him. "Grab on to my hand!" she held out her hand to him.

"Why" Erik asked

"So I can help you" she said a little annoyed.

"Why are you trying to help me? I tried to kill you. I've been nothing but mean to you since you got here. Why would you try to help me after everything I've done?"

"Because, I cant just let you die!" Erik looks suprised to hear this and slowly takes Merida's hand and Merida starts to swim to the bottom of the cliff.

"I Don't See Them!" Astrid says in a paniked voice. Her and Hiccup were sitting at the edge of the cliff franticly looking for Erik and Merida.

"There They Are!" Hiccup sees them swimming to the bottom of the cliff.

"We have to help them!"Astrid says in a paniked voice

"What can we do?" Hiccup asks

"We have to climb." Merida says when they reach the cliff. She grabes onto some rocks and just when she is about to pull herself up, a wave hits and pulls her away from the rocks and under the water. "What was that?" she asks when she reaches the surface.

"The tide" Erik says

"The What?" before Erik can answer, another wave hits and both of them are pulled under again.

When they reach the surface Merida grabs Erik's hand and pulls him over to the rocks. "Come On! We have to hurry" Merida trys to climb, but every time a wave hits, her and Erik are pulled under the water.

"Its no use!" Erik shouts after a while

"NO! I'm NOT giving up!" Merida shouts

"YOU dont have to" Erik says

"What do you mean?" Merida asks

"I'm sorry Merida. Im so so sorry. I'm a horrible person. I'm sorry. I wish i could have relized this sooner. Them, maybe, things could have been diffrent. I could have been diffrent."

Merida slowly realizes what he is trying to say. "NO! Its ok. I can save us both!"

"No. You cant. I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you. Tell Hiccup I'm sorry for everything I ever did to him. And tell Astrid. . . . . I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. She didnt do anything. It was all me. I'm sorry."

Before Merida could reply, another wave hit and draged both of them under again. Merida tried to hold on to Eriks hand but the wave was too strong and she let go.


> Later <

Merida woke up caughing up water.

I'm alive

"MERIDA!" She looks up and sees Hiccup running twords her. She looks around and realizes she is on a minature beach at the bottom of another cliff. Hiccup falls down next to her and hugs her. "Thank god your ok"

"Where's Erik?" Astrid , who is standing a few feet away, looks at both of them with a mix of worry and anger.

Merida lets go of hiccup and looks at her. "Astrid, Erik said. . . "

WHERE IS HE!" She shouts.

Merida continues "He said that he was sorry. . "

"NO!" Astrid runs to the edge of the water. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!"

"I'm so sorry" Merida wispers


"I'm so sorry Astrid." Merida wispers "I really am" 


A/N: Hi! I hope this was worth the wait! If it wasnt IM SORRY!! 

 I would like to thank all of my fallowers(sorry if I spell your name wrong):

BraveHuntress, disney_girl124, galifrygirl1357, Firegirl101, bianka1389, torch-wood, Starskyer15, x_avalee, XxQueenElsaOfSnowxX, TheDisneyTeam, BoltTheSuperDog, flappytown857, and nlilystar. If you havent already, Go Check Them Out! Some Of Them Have Awesome Stories That Need To Be Read!



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