Chapter 13 --- The Nightmare

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A/N HI!!! I am SO SORRY (again) that its taking me so long to update. I've had a lot of homework and studying for test to do. SO SORRY!!! I would like to thank BraveHuntress, disney_girl24, galifreygirl357, and bianka 1389 for being AWSOME and motivating me to keep going!!! (I hope I spelled those names right)



> Merida <

I'm not going any where

What was I thinking? How can I make a promise like that?

It was the middle of the night. It got to dark to walk home so we decided to sleep here. Hiccup and Toothless both fell asleep hours ago, but I stayed awake. I can't stop thinking about what he told me, and what I told him. I didn't tell him everything. I only told him a little bit. There is so much more to my story. If only I could tell him. I have never told anybody what I just told him. Its a secret I have been keeping for what feels like forever. My dad doesn't even know what happened that night. My mum and I never told anyone.

I close my eyes.

I'm not going anywhere

What if I cant keep that promise? What if I end up leaving?

I am the princess of Dunbroch. Someday my parents are going to get older and quit being king and queen. When that happens they're going to expect me to become queen. What am I going to do then?  My mum isn't going to let me stay with Hiccup when that happens. I close my eyes. 

What am I going to do?

Eventually, I fall asleep.


> Later <

"Hello?! Is anybody there?!" I call into the dark forest.

"M . . . . . Merida?" I look at the spot that the voice came from. "Merida, is that you?"

"Lilly?" I couldn't believe it.

"What happened to you? You look like you've aged ten years in ten minutes" Lilly looked just as shocked as I was.  

"How. . . how old am I?" I ask her.

"Your supposed to be seven" she says "I told you to go back home. I'll take care of it, ok?"

Seven? OH NO!!

I shake my head "No Lilly NO! You have to come back with me! You cant stay here!"

"No. I cant. If I don't take care of it now, it will be a bigger problem in the future." she says.

"Then . . . let me help you" I say

"No. This is too dangerous for you. You could get hurt"  

"So could you! Come On! What happened to be brave?"

Lilly thinks about that for a moment before replying. "Ok. You can stay." 

"Or maybe we should just leave" I say

"Why do you want me to leave so badly? What's the worst that could happen?" she asks 


"Ha-ha very funny.  But seriously. . . "

"LILLY LOOK OUT!!!" I screamed. Lilly turned around and screamed. Mordu stood up to full height. "LILLY RUN!!"   

Instead, she grabs a sword. "Merida, GET OUT OF HERE!"

"LILLY! LOOK OUT!" I scream

Lilly looks at me and says, "Be Brave" and then Mordu attacks her and kills her.

"NOOOOOOO! LILLY!!" I load my bow and arrow, but before I can shoot Mordu hits it right out of my hand. I scream again. Mordu pushes me to the ground and I keep screaming. "HELP!! LILLY!!! HEEELP!!!" Mordu opens his mouth showing his razor sharp teeth and roars in my face. I keep screaming. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!" 


Still screaming, I quickly grab my bow and arrow, standup, and shoot. 


> Hiccup <

Merida stands up with her bow and arrow, and shoots at nothing.

"Merida?" as quick as lightening she has her bow loaded again and aims it at me. I put my hands up and wait for her to do something. Realizing where she is, she slowly lowers her bow. 

"Hiccup?" she looks like she was surprised to see me. A twig snapped behind her and just like that she had her bow up and ready to shoot. Toothless saw her aiming at him and went from being cute to getting ready to fight. "Toothless!" Merida quickly dropped her bow and arrow on the ground. "I'm sorry" Toothless still looked like he didn't believe her. She turned back to me. "I'm sorry Hiccup. I don't know what I was thinkin" she says. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" I ask

"Yes. How did you know? Did it look like I was crying?" she asks

"No. Actually you were screaming" I say

"What! I never scream out loud when I'm at home!" she sits down and looks at the lake. It was still pretty dark out, and I could still see the stars reflecting on the water.

I walk over to her, but I don't sit down. "Do you have nightmares at home too?" I ask


"Who's Lilly?"

She looks up at me. "Why do you need to know?" she asks, a little angry.

"You were screaming her name. And you also mentioned her name once or twice in your story" I say. She looks back at the lake.

"I don't like to talk about her" she says without any emotion in her voice

"What happened to her?" I ask. Merida stands up and turns away. When she looks back at me I can see tears in her eyes.

"Lilly's dead"


A/N HI!!! If you guessed that Lilly died then CONGRATULATIONS here's your cookie!  [] () you can choose which one you want. I'll try to have the next chapter up as SOON as I can OK,

Love ya. Bye,

                       CADL31 80)

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