Chapter 11 --- Hiccup's Story

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A/N HI!! I would just like to thank anyone who voted or commented on my story. It really motivated me to keep going. And I would like to thank my 3 new followers. You don't know how happy that made me. :0) 80) :0) 80)



> Merida <

We leave school a few minutes later, not even bothering to go to any of our classes.

What does he have to tell me? Does it have to do with the bad things his dad was telling me about? Does it have to do with why every one is mean to him at school?

Does it have to do with why the wisps led me to him?

I had actually forgotten about that. Before that day the last time I saw wisps was. . .


I shake my head. We were walking through the woods. Hiccup hasn't said one word to me and I haven't said one word to him. I know where we are going. We are going to see Toothless. It's always easier to for us to talk when we visit him. 

We find the "hole" about an hour later. Toothless gets really excited to see us and starts to jump around. I walk over to Toothless and start petting him.

"So" I say to Hiccup "what did you want to talk to me about?" He just looks at the ground with a sad expression on his face. "Its fine if you don't want to say anything. I wont push you." I go back to petting Toothless.

"It all started a few years ago" I look at Hiccup who is still staring at the ground. "You might want to sit down"


> Hiccup <

" About six years ago, Astrid started calling people names. It was no big deal. . at first. Then she started pushing people around and beating people up. Erik would even help her. It wasn't long before she had a gang. They didn't do to much at first. Most people just stayed out of their way. But I wasn't part of that most. I completely ignored them. That was probably why they came after me. Long story short, they made my life a living hell. The picked on me in class, out of class, out of school, when ever they saw me. That went on for three years, and then. . . . .  I met Ellie. She was a new kid who had just moved to Berk. She saw me sitting by myself at lunch one day and started talking to me. Before I new it I had a new best friend. And then she started talking to Erik. At first it was only once in a while, then it was at least every day. I would sometimes see her hanging out with him, or eating lunch with him. She told me it was because he was helping her with homework, but I saw her hanging out with Luna, and everyone else that hung out with Erik. And one day out of no where, she told me we weren't friends anymore. She said that she had new people that she liked better. People that were cool and popular, and not losers. I watched her walk over to Astrid who had an evil smile on her face. That was when I realized it was her master plan all along. It doesn't matter how many people they picked on, I was always going to get it the worst. Astrid whispered something to Ellie and then Elie turned around and yelled Why don't you go die? No one wants you here anyways! That was the first time I actually thought about it." I glance at Merida. She looks really scared, like she just saw a ghost. "Are you ok? I can stop if you want me to."

"No I'm fine" she says

"Ok" I continue, "They started to pick on me twice as much for the next three years. Then one month that's all they did. The taunted me, pushed me around, told me to go die. And that's when I did it. That's when I snapped. I remember that night, it was around twelve a.m. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened one of the drawers, and took out a pill bottle. I didn't take any pills though. I didn't even come close. Instead I grab a knife. The next day at school I attacked Astrid. That cut on her cheek. That's from me. The teachers told me I'm just stressed and send me home. Instead I walked to some cliffs. I always go their when something bad happens to me. But that day, instead of trying to forget what happened, I take a deep breath and jump" Merida gasps and covers her mouth with her hands. I can see tears forming in her eyes. "and the day we met. I wasn't hunting, I was going to kill myself" I look down at the ground. Merida immediately bursts into tears.

"Hiccup. I . . . .I . . .. . I already know" she hugs me and starts to cry even harder. "M. . . . .my mum said th. . .that she heard from someone that you died. I thought i. . . it was from the knife. I d. . didn't know about the cliffs. I. . .I'm sorry."

"How did your mom know about the knife when it was only me and you in the woods?" I ask still hugging her.

"I can tell when some one is trying to kill themselves" she says still crying

"How?" I ask.

She stops. She quickly pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes. "Now I'm the one who has to tell you something"

A/N Well. . . . I hope you enjoyed that. Thanks for readin. Don't forget to tell me what you think.

BYE!!!! :0) 80)


         CADL31 <3

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