Chapter 5 --- Wisps and Dragons

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A/N HI EVERYONE!! I am soooo sorry for the late update!!! BUT on Saturday I had a birthday party(my birthday party) and stayed at a hotel until Sunday, and then on Monday I got sick (literally, if you know what I mean) and I had an unfinished history day project. The next day when I was presenting I almost passed out and felt like I was going to be sick again (if you know what I mean) and the judges just told my older sister (who was with me in case that happened) I could go home. Luckily it was the last question they asked me so I did good up until then. I went home right after and slept on and off all day long. That was Tuesday and now its Wednesday and I'm feeling a lot better (even though I still didn't go to school.) I hope you enjoy!! Sorry if this chapter sucks!! I'll TRY to do better.

I will try to write Merida's point of view more often.


:0) ------- Honk!!!

80) ------- GEEKEY HONK!!!!


> Merida <

"Why would the wisps lead me here?" I ask no one. They led me back to Berk. Just like my dream. I was supposed to go home right after school. My mum is NOT going to be happy. Just as I turn around to walk back home I hear someone scream. I turn back around and see a house has just been set on fire. I look up and see a some kind of flying lizard.

What is that?

"DRAGON ATTACK!!" I look back at the village and see everyone running around carrying weapons.

Dragons? That's impossible! Dragons don't live anywhere near here.


I look back at the sky and see hundreds of "dragons" flying towards the village and setting more houses on fire and trying to steal food. I guess this is why the make such a big deal about training. I load my bow and run to the village. Almost the second I get their I'm attacked by a dragon with two heads.

"Duck!" I hear someone say. Just as I duck one of the heads shoot fire at me and then it gets caught in a net. A bunch of people run towards it but just before the get there it breaks free and starts flying away. So I do the only thing I can think of in the moment.

 I pull back on the string of my bow. 

  Aim the arrow at the dragon.

And let go.

The arrow hits the dragon directly in the heart and it falls to the ground. Dead. 

 I load my bow again and run, hoping I'll be able to hit more dragons. I have to watch out for a lot of people who aren't watching where they are going. Some of them are trying to put the fires out, but most of them are focused on killing the dragons. I see another dragon standing on top of someone's house. I aim at it and just when I'm about to fire someone bumps into me. I look be hind me and see. . . 


 "Merida?" he says surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I should be asking you that." he says, "I live here, remember?"

"The wisps led me here." I say

"The what?" he asks confused, but before I could answer another dragon appeared. It shot fire at us and luckily missed. It tried again, but only a few sparks came out. I aimed my arrow at it and it flew up into the air, but it only got a few feet up before I shot it in the heart and it fell to the ground and died. Hiccup just stood their and looked at me and the dragon like he was thinking about something important.

"I need your help with something." he finally says

"What do you need help with?" I ask

"Just fallow me" he grabs my hand, so I have no choice but to fallow him. He leads me through all the fighting and up a hill. When we reach the top I'm surprised to find that it is actually quiet. He lets go of my hand and walks over to some kind of machine he has set up.    

"What's that?" I ask him.  

 "It shoots dragons." he says

 "What do ya need my help with then?"

 "I'm trying to kill a night fury. Its the one dragon no one has ever seen. I was hoping maybe you could help me spot it" he says

 "Sure, why not" I say. I walk over to him and load my bow. I look up at the sky and hear a strange noise.

"Is that it?" I ask

"That's it" He answers.

I can faintly see the outline of something black against the stars. I guess that's why its called a night fury. And then I hear a screeching sound and people start shouting "Night Fury!" "Get Down!" and BAM!! It sets a tower on fire. And then it dose it again. As it shoots the third time I see a shadow fly in front of the flames.


"SHOOT! NOW!!!" I shout. Hiccup wastes no time shooting at it. The force of the machine throws him backwards and he falls to the ground. He quickly sits up in time to hear the rope hit something and the night fury screams as it falls far away.

"I hit it?" he asks in disbelief. He gets up of the ground and looks at me "Did I just hit it?"

"YES! YOU DID!!" I say jumping up and down. I don't know why, but I'm extremely excited. I run towards him and trip and we both fall on the ground. I look over and see he is only a few inches away from my face. I look into his eyes and realize for the first time they are green, not an ugly green, a beautiful green.

"Thank you" he says.  

 "No problem. What are friends for?" I say. 

We look into each others eyes not saying a word. And then he kisses me. 

And I didn't stop him.


A/N GASP! :O This wasn't (again) originally how I was going to end it. I just came up with it literally 1 minute ago. I thought it would be better. Remember when I said the movies had nothing to do with the story? I MAY have over exenterated. LOL. The movies have LITTLE to do with the story. But don't worry little night fury fans Toothless WILL make an appearance soon. OK! ok. Sorry the chapter is short but its 10:50 on a Thursday night. I have school tom. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!! SO tell me in the comments what your fav. part of the story is so far. I'm always curious to know. (just ask my little sister. The one I forced to read my wolf comics. lol) THANKS FOR READING!!!

With love, CADL31



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