Chapter 10 --- No More

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A/N HI!! I hope you like it! I just created a new character. So. . . . . .ENJOY!!!


And I'm also sorry if you hate all of the new characters.


> Merida <

I'm walking through the forest at night, this time with my bow and arrows.

"Hello?" I shout into the darkness

"Merida?" I look at the spot where the voice came from. My eyes widen, I drop my bow, and I'm pretty sure my heart stops beating and I feel like I stoped breathing.

"L. . . . . Li. . . . Lilly?" I feel tears slowly forming in my eyes.

"Merida. I cant. I cant do it anymore. I cant live like this!" She says, crying

"Lilly? Wha. . . what are you trying to say?" I ask her tears slowly falling down my face, afraid of what the answer will be.

"I don't think I'll make it to your next birthday" she says, more tears falling from her face

"NO!" I shout

"Take care of your mom and dad for me, ok? And your three brothers, ok Merida?" she is crying even harder now.

"NO LILLY!" each word she spoke was like a sharp pain in my heart

"You'll" she takes a deep breath, "You'll understand. One day. When your older." She turns around and starts to walk away. 

"NO!! LILLY NO!! LILLY!!" I scream, "LILLY!! COME BACK!!" I cant stop screaming. "DONT DO THIS PLEASE!!! COME BACK!!  LILLY!!"

"Merida. WAKE UP!" I open my eyes. I'm in my bedroom.

"Mum? What are ya doin'?" I ask, hoping she didn't hear me scream

"I saw you were crying in your sleep. Are you alright dear?" she asks, concern on her face.

I take a deep breath "Yeah mum. I'm fine" I lie.


> Hiccup < two weeks later

I finish zipping up my backpack a start walking down the stairs to go to school.

 "I'll see you later dad" I shout

"Hiccup wait. Before you go to school I need to talk to you. I didn't get the chance to a few weeks a go" I had actually forgotten about that. But just like last time I don't have the time right now.

 "Sorry dad, but I cant talk right now. Maybe after school" I say

 "Are you sure?" he asks

 knock knock

 "That's probably Merida" for two weeks now she's been coming to my house so we can walk to school together. I open the door and see Merida smiling at me.

 "Hi" she says

 "Hi. I like what you did with your hair" today she has her hair in a side braid.

 "Thanks. Are you ready to go? she asks.

 "Yes. . . . . no" I say

 "What did ya forget now?" she asks in an annoyed tone rolling her eyes.

 "Very funny. I'll be right back" I quickly run back up stairs


Before Doesn't Matter: A Mericcup Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now