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Logan's pov

I poked at my green beans and at the slices of ham I felt the gag growing in my throat anything with pork or red meat made me sick pregnancy is just interesting like that

"Eat Logan" I looked at Dad

"Im gunna be sick" I murmured

"Logan your mother spent a long time cooking this ham Fucking eat it" I looked away from him

"I'm not 4 you can't make me do anything" I was so monotone, I was so tired and I'd been throwing up everything I'd got to talk to Aunt Lex and she said it was stress and that I had to calm down or I could lose the baby

"It's been a month Get. Over. Him." He spoke unnecessarily harsh

"No" I stated bluntly I wasn't scared anymore I was too tired

"Do I need to come over there and feed you?" He changed subject knowing that argument would lead no where

"Lon that's enough really" Mum frowned deeply hold his hand

"It's not enough until she's done playing damn games and admits she only was with Axel because he toyed with her" he growled

Mum took her hand back "Lon it's been 4 weeks you can't keep Logan here forever"

"She's my daughter so by fuckin right I can"

It's not like I haven't tried to leave but I have no phone and I have no car and to get to Axels house I'd have to cross busy intersections but not during the day at night ,dad wouldn't let me leave during the day, and not trying to get me or my baby hurt by crossing in the dark

"She's 18" Scarlett added

"Scarlett why don't you let me see your phone too then let me see the boys you've been talking to what you've been saying to them if your so concerned?" He turned and faced her "you think your off the hook? Scarlett I know you've been around boys you're lucky I haven't caught you" he squinted "I thought I could trust my girls but now I fear you've both been fucked around with by asshole punk teenage boys" he looked between us

"So I wanna understand something you're so very fucking worried about us sleeping around but when Dylan came home ,at 17 mind you, and said he fucked you high fived him and gave him advice and tips" I hissed

"That's my Son"


"Because he can't get pregnant and he's less likely to be taken and raped than a beautiful girl like you 2 and a lot less damage can be done to a boy then to a girl" he defended and I mean those reasons were valid but didn't cover for the extremes he is going to

"Well I loved Axel and when he took my vir-"

"DON'T YOU DARE LOGAN" Dad stood up

"I begged Dad I begged him for months to take me and when he finally did it was 2 hours of long slow to rough fu-" I was cut off when Dad walked around to me and stabbed a piece of ham he held it to my face

"Eat I don't want to hear another goddamn word" he pressed it against my mouth I smacked his hand gagging feeling the burn of acid eagerly wanting to crawl up My throat

"Axel actually came over a few days ago" I looked up at him

"W-what?" I whispered he nodded and ate the ham piece

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