49~Who? What? Where? When? Why?

392 21 3

Axel's pov

I twitched and groaned I felt my chest aching I flexed and rolled my eyes behind my closed eye lids I flinched my hand stretching and relaxing my fingers

I rolled my shoulder I felt my eyelids becoming a little lighter easier to move I blinked and grunted at the light I closed my eyes again then mustered up tolerance I opened them again and moved my right arm up covering up the light

My arm moving at the pace of a turtle I felt something on my face I rubbed my hand down my face and a tube came out of my nose and off my face I looked at my hand and saw a clip on my finger and needles in my arm I winced pulling the clip off and pulled out the IV's I looked around

The white room ,if the medical stuff hadn't been in here, would have been the biggest clue I wasn't home I looked down and saw I was in a white and pale blue gown my chest was throbbing in pain I furrowed my eyebrows hearing an annoying beeping alarm I looked around again

I stood up and the cold floor disgusted me I went to walk to the door I jumped when the door opened in front of me doctors flooding in they all stared

"Sir you need to remain in bed you can't-" I pushed passed and walked down the hall I felt hands grab my arms I growled and yanked them free swinging my arms back hitting whoever had me

I kept walking I felt like my breathing was off heavier more stressed "SIR!" Many people grabbed me I saw one with a needle I tilted my head and as soon as the needle was close I yanked my left arm free and hit it I smiled and kicked the knees of the remaining doctors they all let go and hit the floor or the wall I kept walking

Then gasped when I felt something sharp I looked a woman had stabbed a needle into my arm and shot me with a 1/3 whatever was in it before I yanked it out and threw it pushing her back on her backside

I got to the window and looked around I felt very tired and I'm sure it's what they shot me with I sat in the chair covering my face with my hands struggling to recall how I got here...

"son!" I groaned at the loud voice "Axel? Axel what did you do?" That name sounded familiar but I just it was... foggy that name made my muscles twitch so it had to be important for me to have a natural reaction

"Axel answer me son!" I flinched and looked up from my hands I grabbed the shirt of the man I yanked him down

"I-Im... A-Axel?" He stared down at me and went to grab my wrist I snatched my hand back before he could touch me

"Y-Yes you're Axel" I nodded that was right

I looked around "why am I h-here?"

"You were shot" that explained my chest pain I nodded slowly and rolled my jaw

"I-I'm very... I can't-" I closed my eyes "I can't think straight" I clenched my fists "I feel angry and confused I want to leave" he nodded

"Yeah okay we'll leave I'll bring you to the car and get your mother" he motioned me to stand I stood up and nodded I knew this man but I couldn't place him

He brought me to a car and sat down I stared at the building I came from and looked around the car a stuffed animal on the floor

I tilted my head it looked really familiar I grabbed it It's a little red fox with sparkly green eyes I squeezed it and put it on my lap I laid my head back I closed my eyes and tried to think tried to remember what happened

Why I woke up in a hospital...

"Axel" I felt someone tap my shoulder I grabbed their wrist and opened my eyes it was the man

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