28~I'll Say Whatever The Hell I Want To The Dress

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Logan's pov

I was laid on Axel we were watching a movie and Crimson was asleep on her swing I couldn't help my shifting around

"Someone a little antsy mm?" Axel chuckled

"Yes yes I'm nervous but like happy and- and I dunno I feel like butterflies and vomit ya know" he laughed harder and nodded

"No no I completely get it" he nodded petting my hair

I heard a knock and squeaked sprinting to the door

Axel shook his head chuckling as he followed behind I opened the door and Mum was there she was picking me up

"Ready? Excited?" She clapped

"BUTTERFLY VOMIT" I clapped back she frowned and furrowed her eyebrows

"Yes darling butterfly vomit" Axel went along giving Mum the look to just do the same she nodded he rubbed my side smiling very amused at my out burst

"Well... a-anyway lets go come on Alexis is waiting" she grabbed my arm ready to drag me off I quickly kissed Axel

"Wait!" He stopped us and pulled out his wallet he passed Mum his card "spare no expense on my Baby Doll try to stay under hundred thousand though okay?" He chuckled "Mum knows my info just give it to her I've got 20 thousand in the bank if you need more I'll put in more" she smiled

"Mm good man" she tucked it into her purse for safe keeping and tugged me back with her to the car

We got in and it was 15 minute ride to the nearest and best dress shop we pulled in next to Alexis's car we got out and I was practically skipping I was so happy

We stepped in and I saw Alexis but went wide eyed seeing Henry behind her holding onto a leash connected to a collar she wore

They were talking and he was holding the leash so she had no choice but to be less than arms length from him I didn't hear anything they said but I saw him chuckle and smirk then kiss her she then spanked him and he gasped, pulled away, then groped her bum roughly making her squeak and jump pressing up against him

"Hey Alexis, Henry" she snapped her head around

"Logan hey dear" she hugged me and I continued to stare she kinda laughed

"I'm kind of punished at the moment..."

"Kind of?" Henry mocked

Alexis rolled her eyes "Henry and I went out I drank I told Henry I was... needy he didn't listen and I pecked a girl okay?"

"Pecked? She snogged another girl while I went for a soda and a moment to calm down"

"Well that sounds like your fault Henry you know better than to leave her" Lexa put her hands on her hips

"Yes well she was practically humping my leg I needed to gain my composure" he smirked "I mean yeah I regret leaving her that was a terrible idea I'm surprised she didn't end up on stage again..." he kinda trailed off thinking of the time she went up to a vacant pole and earned about a 150 bucks in the time it took him to find her and get her down "but regardless she's punished now and she'll be going with you girls to shop but I'll be here"

"Well" I kinda laughed "uhh lets go I already kinda know what I want so we all shouldn't be very long"

I grabbed Mum and Alexis she looked at Henry he kissed her and roughly bit her lip making her whimper he unclipped the leash

"Give me your phone Princess" he held his hand to her

"I don't have it..." she whispered

He cocked an eyebrow before suddenly groping her chest massaging slightly he nodded and kissed her again

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