30~You'll Regret Everything You've Done

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Axel's pov

"Okay yeah maybe a little higher..." Logan adjusted the bottle in Barbie's hand

"Air can make for upset tummies" I added making Logan nod in agreement

"You're doing good" Logan praised Barbie she smiled widely

"R-really I am?" She kinda wiggled "much better than the first time?"

Logan nodded laughing "ooooo YES"

"You made it to almost the exact mark unlike when you dumped in 3 half scoops in a miscellaneous amount of water" I raised my eyebrows laughing as I spoke ,when Barbie fed we gave Crimson formula for the sake of her own child she said she wouldn't be breast feeding every time the baby was hungry unlike Logan, I hated the thought of giving Crimson formula unless 100% necessary but it had to be done like this for Barbie to learn

"I'm getting a hang of it I am" she cheered Crimson finished

"Alright you can burp a lot of different ways you can do like Axel put a rag on your shoulder hold her against you and pat her back or like I do and put her on your thigh hold her chest and chin in one hand and pat her back with the other" Logan explained

She bit her lip and grabbed the blanket putting it on her shoulder "you can hit harder than you think I mean that sounds terrible but just she's not glass if you're barely patting her back she isn't gunna burp you wanna hear a little hollowish sound" Logan kinda laughed

"Uhh I dunno I don't wanna hurt your baby" she frowned

"No no trust me If I do it and I don't hurt her you are not gunna hurt her promise" I smiled

"Yeah I guess" she nodded and patted her back

"Little harder" Logan smiled after a few minutes Crimson burped and I clapped

"Great job Barbie" Barbie passed Crimson back to Logan smiling triumphantly

"Okay okay I've kept you both up long enough" she laughed "I'll go back to my room now and I have an appointment in the morning too 5 month check up I gotta call Ryan and go to bed" she clapped and ran out

I stripped to my boxers and climbed into my side which Barbie had been on I laid on my back my head towards Logan's feet I scooted to be hip to hip with Logan "I better get god father for all this" I laughed Logan rolled her eyes and laughed

"Soooo Axel" she looked down at me "I think we should honeymoon in England"

I cocked an eyebrow "England? Mm and what was it between again?"

"Central America, France, and England"

I rubbed her thigh "well if you want England we'll do England"

"But I don't wanna be that far from Crimson and I'm not one for planes..." she bit her lip

"Well... we can... do road trips? You like the car and so do I" I offered

"But I want England" she whined I laughed

"Darling I'm not telling you no it's all up to you because as long as I'm with you it'll be the perfect honeymoon for me"

"You are not helpful" she pouted I gasped

"What I'm SO helpful" I crossed my arms she pushed my arms and set Grim on my chest she was set on her tummy and her neck strength was pretty good so she held her head up looking around

"3 wonderful months with my little girl" I rubbed her lower back as her little head bobbed a bit but she was okay I started making faces

"Daddddy saaays Boo!" I jumped she made a shocked face staring at me "Daaaaaady says Boo!" I poked her sides lightly she started to giggle a little "there it is there's my baby Grim's giggle just the Fucking cutest" I picked her up and sat her on her bum

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