48~Sleeping Beauty

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Logan's pov

I frantically pressed the nurse button finally a nurse walked in she looked pissed "please stop with the button" she sassed

"I want someone to check on my husband 3 other nurses have come on and I asked them they've left and haven't come back any of them!" I slightly panicked "I need to know how my husband is His name is Axel Glynn Silver" she huffed

"Yes okay" she walked out I bit my lip hoping she'd come back I played with the blanket

Finally after another 10 minutes I grabbed the button again I went to press it as the door opened I sat up she walked over "how is he?" I whimpered

"He's fine all that's wrong right now is he isn't waking up" I nodded

"W-well I c-can leave right? it's been more than 24 hours I wanna go see him" she sighed

"Look I'm not your nurse I'll go get her and you can ask her" she walked out not wanting to deal with me I sighed and rubbed my face

I jumped when the door opened again I didn't expect anyone that quick my nurse was looking over papers

"Can I leave?" I asked immediately she looked at me

"Uh y-yes eager one aren't we?" I nodded she nodded back "well we'll unhook you and you're free"

As soon as I was dressed I looked for Axel's room 228 I opened the door and gasped covering my mouth

I had at least hoped he looked peaceful sleeping but he looked far from it

He had a tube down his throat and Iv's stuck in his arms I walked closer and looked at his chest scared to see but I grabbed the edge of the blanket and closed my eyes I yanked it down and squeezed my eyes tighter scared to see the damage I gave in and snapped my eyes open

I clutched the blanket and sighed

It wasn't half as bad as I thought his chest and ribs are bruised and there was a straight cut just the left of the center of his chest it was only a few inches long I stroked his cheek a red patches covered most of it ,my smack I'm pretty sure

"Baby I'm so sorry Axel I feel so bad the guilt is eating me alive I hit you and I know I know that hurt you not just physically but mentally and emotionally I'm so sorry I just- I will never forgive myself and I love you and I want you to be okay" I shook my head my tear slipping and falling on his cheek "I need you to be okay"

I stared at him his eyes looked tightly closed as if he was still in pain I ran my fingers through his hair "You have to wake up" my hand was shaking badly

"Y-You have to wake up not only for me but for Crimson and for Tate... Tate has to meet you and you have to meet him" I begged I sniffled and grabbed his shoulders rubbing up his up his neck and down the curve of his neck to his arm and repeated it back and forth

I hugged him gasped when his heart beat sped up I backed up looking at the heart monitor

"Miss you need to back up" I nurse ran in probably hearing the increased loud beeping she looked him over "have you moved him? Touch him?" I shook my head

"I t-touched his chest..." she shook her head

"You can not touch him his rib is only being held together by metal bits screwed together you hurt him that's why his heart raced" I covered my mouth and nodded

"I-I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I cried "Axel I didn't mean it" she put her hand on my shoulder

"He's Okay you should only worry if he's been out for more than a week the chances of him waking after that drop but for now it's more than likely it'll be any day now"

I nodded and licked my lips "y-yes okay..." I swallowed hard and looked at him "I love you baby" I kissed his lips as best I could trying to avoid the tube and backed up holding my arms

I had already called Alexis and Henry to come pick me up Alexis was the one that left me shorts to wear too

I walked out and saw them parked I walked over and got in the backseat Crimson in a chair seat I smiled through my tears "hi my beautiful baby"

"Hey Logan how are you feeling?" Henry greeted

I wiped my face and nodded "fine" I hisses as I hit my bruise

"Logan honey I'm thinking it'll be better for you if you stay with us for tonight okay? Our house is closer to the hospital and they'd call me first if he wakes up" I nodded in agreement

"D-Did dad flip out? I t-tried t-to tell him that i-it was my f-fault" I stuttered just struggling to breath right after my fit of tears

"Yeah Lon is flipping out but what's new" Henry sighed I grabbed Crimson's hand kissing it

"When we get there can I have some food?"

"Of course my love and in the morning your mom is coming to get you and she's sleeping over with you at your place" Alexis hummed pleasantly

We pulled up 15 minutes later and got out I held Crimson to me and kissed her head petting her hair

"Mama" she whispered and nuzzles into me I smiled down at her

"I have roast and potatoes or left over dirty rice or I can make you an egg"

"Roast and potatoes sounds good" I mumbled she nodded and went into the kitchen Henry closing the door behind me

"Would you like to watch tv with me? You can pick the movie we'll all sit down and watch" Henry rubbed my arm smiling I nodded

"Yes please"

"Wanna invite Luna and Rose or just you, me, and Alexis?" He asked running his fingers through Crimson's hair

"You can invite them" I nodded

"Here eat first then we'll watch" Alexis set down a warm plate of mouth watering pot roast smothered in brown gravy with a volcano of potatoes the gravy being the lava

I sat down devouring the heavenly made meal

As soon as I finished I felt full and warm Alexis was in her pajamas and Henry down in his boxers "COME ON GIRLS" he yelled up Luna and Rose running down

We all sat on the sofa blankets thrown everywhere and tugged from all angles until everyone was covered the air blasting to keep everyone comfy

I was sitting straight up I sighed and looked at everyone on the sofa Alexis laid so her head was on Harry's shoulder Rose on his lap since he had his legs propped up on the table she was sprawled out over his lap

I couldn't help but lean on Henry's free arm to be comfortable he wrapped his arm around me rubbing side his other hand on Alexis's thigh

Luna next to me leaning on me I smiled feeling very comfy and safe

I felt my eyes getting heavy and Tangled ,the movie I picked, had only barely started but I was already passing out I yawned heavily and blinked lazily

"It's okay to sleep Logan I'm not moving for awhile and when I do I'll make sure you're comfy" Henry whispered I nodded and yawned again giving into my sleepiness closing my eyes slowly

"Thank you"

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