44~Daddy Daughter Day

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Axel's pov

I huffed hearing whining over the baby monitor I sat up groaning rubbing my face to wake myself up I decided I'd go get Crimson before she woke up Logan I turned the monitor off and got up

My pregnant wife would enjoy sleeping in, I love to be able to say my pregnant wife

I grabbed some boxers and pulled them on before walking out starting to jog when she started to actually cry

I walked in her room "hey hey hey shh shh" she was standing up holding the side of her crib her hair a mess tears glistening on her cheeks the rays of morning light flooding in through her cream lacey curtains 

"Daddy's here come to Daddy" I cooed she made grabbie hands to me I picked her up wiping her cheeks of tears

"Lets change this stinky baby" I wiggled my finger in her side making her giggle I laid her down on the changing table and combed my fingers in her hair to de-crazy it a little

I cleaned her up strapping her new diaper on smiling I threw the other onesie in the hamper and pulled out a new one

I showed it to her "what's that?" She reached for it I smiled "it says Daddy's little girl and thats what you are Crimson" I leaned down and blew raspberries in her tummy making her giggle and squeal I laughed and pulled away after she got a hold of my hair

I dressed her and put her on my hip "9 months old" I sighed "where does the time go Grim?" She was intently looking up at me

"Dada" she said and looked around as we walked

"We're going in the kitchen daddys making breakfast some pancakes and for you specially you get Cheerios, strawberry bits, and pancake" I smiled she kept looking around

I walked in the kitchen and pulled out a pan and walked to get the pre-made mix from the fridge once I got it all I went to pull her highchair over but she wrapped her arm around mine, laid her head on my shoulder, and put her thumb in her mouth laying there relaxing

I sighed happily there was no giving her up now I kissed her head and turned the burner on putting in a pool of pancake mix I swayed us slightly

"Dada?" She mumbled I looked down at her

"Yes my honey?" I smiled

"Mwah" she 'kissed' my cheek, while in reality she just pressed her lips on my face

"You're SO cute" I squeezed her thigh chuckling I flipped the pancake and set it aside to make more

Once the stack got 10 pancakes high I turned the burner off and put the pan in the sink I sat Crimson in her highchair she started to cry instantly reaching for me babbling incoherently I rubbed her hair from her face "ooo no no no shh shh it's okay Daddy has to make your food"

She sobbed louder slamming her little hands on her plastic white tray I shook my head "oh no no" I jogged and got the box of Cheerios I pulled out a little Winnie the Pooh plate and put the Cheerios in his left ear divided off section

I pulled out 2 strawberries and started to cut them up I smiled she was still crying so I turned and gave her a bit of strawberry she looked bewildered and sucked on it I chuckled

"Your mummy smells like strawberry" I smiled put a pancake on her plate cutting it up so she could eat it like finger food I put her plate on her tray and sucked the strawberry off my finger

I started to make Logan's plate I gave her 4 pancakes ,which I knew she'd never be able to finish, I put syrup on them and put strawberries on top I put that on a lap tray and put a glass of milk and the can of whip cream on it too I smiled proudly and picked up Grim "we'll go give this to mummy and we'll come back and eat okay?" I kissed her cheek she as sucked on a piece of strawberry pretty much ignoring me I picked up the tray and held her on my hip

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