37~Wife in a Week

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3rd person pov

Comfortable silence is a sign of a strong, loving relationship

In a relationship between a friend, a family member, or a lover comfortable silence is a gift

Axel and Logan shared a blissful, comfortable silence often while holding each other, while driving, while playing on their phones it was sometimes silent but always a smooth tension free  warm air

This was one of those times Axel was hunched over drawing in his sketch book by lamp light and Logan was watching tv

Crimson ,for the moment, was with Lexa and Lon but would be dropped back off soon

Logan's curiosity finally got the best of her and she leaned over Axel's shoulder having to getting up on her knees to see over him "what's that?"

"Umm... I dunno not really sure yet... I had an idea like you know the bike seats for babies? Where it's like over the back wheel you strap the baby in and you ride on your bike? I was thinking of like getting one of those and modifying to go on my motorcycle but I dunno cause its dangerous but then again I've never crashed or fallen"

Logan hummed "that is a pickle well just know I trust you" she rubbed his shoulder blade he smiled

"That means a lot to me Baby Doll it really does" he turned and held her waist he sighed

"1 more week" he whispered "then you're mine"

She smiled and combed her fingers through his hair "I've always been yours"

"Yeah but now I can say wife that's like really intimidating to other people" he smirked she rolled her eyes giggling

"As if you aren't intimidating enough as is" she pet his hair smiling widely "you're just SO cute I dunno how to handle it" she poked his exposed dimple

"Meee? No you, you're too cute and you're pregnant so you're extra extra cute" he kissed her and slowly let her go she pulled away feeling his arms loosen but he chuckled and grabbed her arms yanking her back to him then pinned her down she gasped kinda giggling

"Axel!" She squealed

Axel started a make out session slowing slipping his hands down Logan's arms to end at the sides of her chest

There was a knock Axel chuckled he pulled away rubbing Logan's sides "your mummy and Daddy always come to ruin the fun" he laughed and got up holding her hand they walked out going down to the door but Logan ran ahead to open the door first

Logan opened it and tilted her head in front of her was a man she'd never seen but he was in military uniform it clicked this is Ryan

"Who-" Axel started but smirked "BARBIE" Axel yelled Ryan looked to where Axel had yelled Barbie stepped out her head still turned to look at the tv still

"Yeah?" She turned and gasped seeing Ryan "RYAN!" She screamed and tried to run but her 9 month baby bump slowly it got down to a waddle he ran up to meet her

"Barbie ooo my god" he cried and held her they met 3/4 the way up the stairs they hugged and kissed for what seemed like forever

Logan was brought back to the memories of Axel getting out of jail they acted the same

"This is m-my Baby? S-Stacy?" Ryan whispered looking at her bump she nodded wiping her face he leaned down and kissed her bump

"We're going home" Ryan smiled "I requested a house and they approved we have a house Barbie a home together and I get to stay I'm guaranteed at least 3 months"

Logan held Axel and listened to them

"R-Really?" Barbie sniffled

"It's all ready to go the house, furniture, and all ready" she nodded

"I wanna go home I want be home with you" Ryan picked her up and they ran out the door Logan quickly leaned out the door

"BYEEEE" Axel watched her amused that she watched them leaving he closed the door after they pulled out he pinned Logan on the wall beside the door

"So you think she named her baby Stacy to be Stacy's mom?" Logan asked smiling

Axel just laughed more and shook his head "I dunno Baby Doll you'll have to ask her" he kissed her again running his fingers through her hair she was moaning as he sucked her bottom lip

"LOGAN AXEL!" Lexa just walked into the house making both Logan and Axel jump she turned and smiled seeing them

"Oh hey I have your baby"

Axel nodded and rubbed his face forcing a laugh to shrug off all the interruptions Lon stepped in behind Lexa Crimson on his hip

"Can I get some water?" Lexa walked right to the kitchen Lon following behind Axel closed the door and followed too

Lon sat at the island sitting 6 month old baby Crimson ,who was eating at her fingers, on to the counter top "so she rolls over, she holds her head up, she holds onto the table to try and stand but she doesn't want get on her hands and knees" Lon partly criticized as his first words to Axel

"Well she is where she needs to be" Axel tried to stay calm he went to take her but Lon scooted her closer to him, away from Axel, even though Crimson immediately recognized her Daddy making her eyes light up and her babbling grow louder

"Yes but she should be practicing crawling but maybe she's too spoiled and being held too much" Axel cocked an eyebrow rolling his jaw

"Look my siblings and my mother were all ahead maybe on different things but all were ahead in something and my father held us like no bodies business and Mum who didn't crawl and walked at 8 months ,mind you, was never held so don't tell me anything about my daughter" Axel took Crimson making her squeal happily and grab at his shirt he couldn't help but acknowledge her instantly kissing her cheek

"Baby" Logan pouted Axel grunted and walked around the island to be beside her

"All I'm saying is you could be holding her back" Lon made an aggravated face

"Well she's my daughter and she's spot on on any growth chart" he held his angry tone even though Crimson put her fingers on his face and rubbed it around

Lexa walked over sipping from the cup of ice water "Lon leave them alone" she finished her water and hugged him "don't be a meanie let's go baby" he nodded and got up they went to walk out but Lexa stopped and looked back

"I promise he'll be good for the wedding I may or may not have a threat up my sleeve" she winked and he went wide eyed

"Wait bunny no" he already knew her idea Axel smirked

"Suck It Lon" he couldn't hold his tongue

Logan groaned and smacked his chest "hush bye Mum bye dad thanks" they stepped out Axel smirked

"I'll be getting it on for 2 solid weeks and he is gunna get the cold shoulder come on now you can't be mad at me for making fun of the as-" he stopped himself short at Logan's angry face he forced a polite smile "of your father"

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