27~I'm Better Than You... No Really

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Logan's pov

I sipped my Starbucks looking around "are we going the right way Daddy?"

Axel chuckled "yes Dolly I'm sure"

We were on the way to my photo shoot for the Vans but I had a small interview first I picked the pastel pair to wear the top part of the shoe was pastel blush pink, the sides with lilac, the trimming was pastel shy blue and the rubber sole and rubber trim is soft pastel yellow

They were slip ons and I really just went for the color block look

The dark pair I made had skull that had on skate helmets with spikes in some had their tongues out others just smirked this printed black over maroon and all accent parts were black and also slip ons

We pulled up I bounced in my seat "I'm excited!"

"I know and I'm excited for you Baby Doll Now I know you're in little space but try to give a few big girl answers okay I know the media would have a field day with our relationship calling me a perv and all that crap and calling you weak and stupid for acting how you do... you know that pisses me off" I nodded and hugged his arm

"I know but you aren't a perv I know you only like to coddle me and baby me because you love me and want to protect me" he kissed my head

"Exactly I don't see any little girl and wanna fuck her because she acts like a little it's only you and I don't get how people over look that" I shrugged

"It's exactly like Luna says just because she's gay doesn't mean she likes every girl and just because you like babying me doesn't me you like babies" he nodded in agreement

"And just because you act small and let Daddy do things for you doesn't mean your stupid or weak it only means you trust me" he kissed my head and rubbed my back

"Glad we discussed this okay let's go my sweet girl" he nodded and unbuckled me he got out and grabbed Crimson's car seat

We walked in Crimsons car seat in Axel's hand and her diaper bag on his back as we got to the desk

"H-Hi Im Logan...?" I wasn't exactly sure what to say

"Ooo yes you're doing the interview the assistant to the web designer will bring you back in a sec and uhh I'm sorry you'll have to wait out here sir" Axel nodded he had already guessed that

We both went and sat down he took Crimson out and held her in his arms "sooo I think I wanna go find my dress this Thursday" Axel smiled widely

"Great we-"

"Ah ah ah you can't come" I cut him off he chuckled

"Damn can't blame me for trying?" He shrugged "so you figured out the colors?"

"Mhm pink, red, and black and I mean white of course"

"Pink?" He smirked "my favorite pink?" I nodded and bit my lip

"Yep just for you" he smiled widely and kissed me

"Now I'm really really excited" he licked his lips and kissed me again

"Logan?" We both jumped at the new feminine voice we looked up

A dirty blonde, skin and bones woman in a neon pink bra under a white shirt with a navy skirt not very professional in my opinion but I stood up

"I'll be back soon Axe" I kissed him again she looked at him her face looked unsure she turned he hair flying I jumped back to avoid being hit

She walked weird her heels scrapped the ground I tilted my head watching her feet she abruptly stopped I saw we were at the opening of a room

"He's in there" I nodded and walked passed her into the room there was just a desk and 2 chairs one filled with a man the other I'm assuming for me I sat down he looked up from his laptop and pushed his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose

"Hey I'm Taylor I'll be your interviewer" he smirked

"Logan but I'm sure you knew that" he nodded and kinda laughed

"So wanna get straight into it? It shouldn't take long 15 minutes at most" I nodded he looked at his computer "so uh when did you start skating?"

"When I was 7"

"And why did you start skating?"

"Well uhh I grew up with a family that had a lot of kids all at once all around the same age everyone had something special one was a dancer, boxer, ones really very crafty so I had to be something ya know? So skating" I shrugged

"It was a way to stand out?" He confirmed

"Yeah a way to define who I was" he smiled typing

"So how many wins?"

"18" I smiled "that's also for like most creative board and best style" he nodded

"And best win?"

"Nationals of course My boyfriend was there cheering me on and the crowd was like screaming my name it was amazing I met some cool people... got this deal" he smirked

"You like Vans for skating?"

"I like Vans period I've gone through 3 pairs of all black slip on Vans in only 8 years" he raised his eyebrows as he typed

"How was making your own pair of Vans?"

"Really fun uhh I really liked being in control of the colors and my boyfriend says he's gunna rock my merch and he's like really gothic so I think I've made 2 styles that's kinda universally liked" he kinda paused and typed some

"Anything to say to fans?"

"Fans wow uhh weird to hear that but I mean define who you are don't blend in be bold and be happy being you because no one else can be you" he sighed

"Brilliant short sweet and to the point all done uhh you'll be following our van to the shoot so you can go head out and they'll be ready for you to follow them" I nodded and thanked him walking back out

"She's precious I know" I heard Axel "her hair and her eyes just like her mother and father" he praised "green eyed girls are always the prettiest my little girl is definitely the most beautiful"

"Uhh yeah sure" she had blue eyes jealous bitch "anyway so you like to go to clubs?" She tried to flirt

"Ooooh No I don't ever wanna leave my daughter I mean unless I'm with my wife for a date or something then yeah I guess we would"

"Wife? You're not married...? No! ugh waste my time" I peeked in and saw Axel baby talking to Crimson the dirty blonde struggling to hold his attention

"Axel" his head snapped up

"Baby Doll!" he smiled

She looked at me and crossed her arms standing up and walking off I walked over we met in the middle

"He's mine" I mumbled

"All boys have weaknesses" she smirked

"Yes that's true and his is for me because men like my Husband have fine tastes in fine women and I'm better than you" she scuffed

"Who says I'm not fine?"

"You're a whore ,it's obvious, but funny thing whore and door rhyme maybe that's why you keep your legs open all the time" I laughed softly and faked a happy smile "your legs aren't doors honey keep them shut" I snipped and pushed my way around her Axel stood to meet me in a kiss he was too wrapped up in Crimson to notice my little tiff

"You're all done? that wasn't very long" he furrowed his eyebrow picking up Crimsons car seat and putting it on his chair to buckle her back in

"Wasn't too many questions but we're going to the shoot... who was that girl?" I pointed to where she walked off too

"I dunno but she said Crimson had on a cute outfit and I told her her mummy picked it out and that..." he was poking and tickling her tummy as he buckled her then he paused and frowned "I think I may have rambled a little..." I giggled

"That's perfectly fine Daddy lets go to my shoot"

"Yes my lovely Darling" he smiled again following me as I turned waking out

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