21~Grim My One And Only

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3rd person pov

Axel realized he had to calm down this was no time to be pissy it was about to be the best day of his life

And hearing Logan so close to tears with so much fear in her voice he had to comfort her

"I know I know I'm so sorry Mum is gunna take care of you okay?" Axel grabbed her hand "I promise everything is gunna be okay I'll be by your side the whole time I won't let go"

"It's gunna hurt" she cried he nodded furrowing his eyebrows

"I know" Axel whispered and squeezed her hand as she screamed "Mike tell me you've gotten a hold of Mum"

"Y-yeah she's got the room set up and will be waiting in the front" they pulled up Axel got out leaving the car running knowing Mike would turn it off he ran around the car and grabbed Logan "Mike get the bag do the car" He didn't even make a full sentence as soon as Logan was out of the car Axel ran in meeting Alexis standing in the front with a wheel chair and sat her down

She smiled and rubbed Logan's shoulders "it's gunna be fine tell me how far apart are you're contractions and how long have you felt pain?" She spoke incredibly calm pushing Logan into the elevator Mike running in Estelle and bag in hand barely making it before the elevator doors closed

"Uhh it's 4 minutes apart it's been 4 hours" Logan whispered

"Good you're more than half way there" Alexis rubbed her shoulder again when the elevator stopped she marched straight to the room pushing Logan in but stopping the boys "Okay Axel, Mike stay out here while I get Logan set up, dress and all"

She closed the door and Axel let out a whiny noise not wanting to leave Logan but only a few minutes later Alexis peeked out "Axel come in the baby is coming now"

Axel smiled softly and Mike grabbed his arm "Congrats" he smiled back "I'll be calling the family" Axel nodded and walked in the room

Logan already in bed in a hospital gown "S-So I don't get drugs" Logan pouted Axel laughed softly that that was her first sentence to him

"I believe in you without drugs" she looked at Alexis Axel looked at his mother he closed his eyes when a contraction hit and Logan groaned painfully

"Okay Logan you're right there I'm gunna need you to push this next contraction okay?" Logan looked up at Axel he kissed her hand she nodded and stayed holding eye contact with him until the next contraction and she pushed and squeezed his hand

She huffed and did her calm breathing pushing again Axel kissed her head and winced when she screamed after her every push Axel used his free hand to rub his finger over her cheek "you're doing so wonderful sweet girl" he praised he groaned as Logan stabbed her little nails into his palm

"Good good I need you to push harder Logan okay? Little pushes are only gunna prolong your labor trust me you don't want that" Alexis instructed and Axel nodded

"B-But I'm p-pushing I aaaaaam" Logan cried and screamed pushing

"Just try a little harder Please Baby Doll" Axel whispered kissing her cheek she nodded and huffed next contraction pushing harder she screamed louder than any of the past screams

"Baby is crowning" Alexis filled them in

"I HATE YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU" Logan screamed at Axel pushing hard again squeezing his hand to the point it was turning purple under the half moon marks made by her nails

"And I love you, I love so much more than anyone ever" I kissed her hand "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me"

Logan looked up at him and cried more not just from pain but from his sweet words even though she had the strong urge to slap the piss out of him for putting her in this situation in the first place

"Okay I need an extra hard push for the shoulders really hard one okay?" Alexis held the infants head Axel was dying to sneak a peek but refused to let Logan go

The next contraction Logan pushed but no harder than before she cried "I-I can't I can't it hurts"

"No no don't say that you can I know you can you're such a strong girl Logan" Axel peppered her hand and arm and even along her neck in kisses "Come on one big hard push okay? Squeeze my hand as hard as you can hell punch me if you have to" he tried to joke and keep a light hearted mood

She screamed and sobbed out pushing extra hard squeezing Axel's hand hard enough for him to make a loud audible grunt

"perfect 2 more and she's out okay" Alexis said excitedly

"2 more Baby Doll only 2!" Axel strokes her hair "you're doing so good so great" he rubbed her hand and arm

After the last 2 Logan collapsed dropping Axel's hand not having the strength to hold up her arm to him but everyone was silent hearing the cry of a minute old blood and goo covered baby

Axel teared up unable to control it "come cut the cord Dad" Alexis smiled instructing him how to do it when he did Alexis passed Crimson to Logan uncleaned Logan cried

"Ooo my god my baby... my beautiful Crimson" she rubbed her cheek Axel leaning down getting a closer look Alexis took her much to Axel's dismay

"I'm just gunna clean her and get a diaper on her" Logan nodded and laid back closing her eyes Alexis motioned Axel over to see the process of the cleaning and of the wrapping doing all the needed shots and her foot print all within 5 minutes leaving Axel amazing

After everything was done she passed Crimson into Axel's arms he took a moment to stare his little girl she was only as big as his 2 palms he quickly brought her back by Logan's side but this time Alexis put a chair next to the bed so he could sit

"She's so small" Axel whispered and kissed her forehead making her twitch "my little girl" he cried freely at the amazing gift given to him by the love of his life "she is the most beautiful little girl ever"

Logan laughed softly and nodded "you sure know how to make a girl feel special Daddy" he laughed back and kissed Logan happily

"You did a fantastic job Logan you did so super great I just... She's here" Axel rubbed his thumb over her cheek where Logan had "I owe you everything Logan" she nodded

"Yes you do and it'll start with a foot rub later" he chuckled and nodded

"Anything you want" he looked back at the bundle in his arms "6 pounds 4oz" he repeated to Logan from his mum's recordings

"Pretty big" Logan tried to keep awake

"You both ready for family?" Alexis asked standing at the door


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