17~Bras, Rings, and Broken Bed Springs

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Axel's pov

"Axel come zip this top for me baby" I immediately dropped her flats she had asked me to get from downstairs and walked into the bathroom I walked over and zipped up the white puffy sheer shirt ,which she had a white tanktop underneath, and fluffed her hair over it

"My you are certainly looking pretty who are you trying to impress Logan?" she giggled and looked at me through the mirror I smirked at her

"Your Mum and Dad" I nodded

"It won't be hard" I reassured her and scanned her over the white fancy looking shirt was paired with Capri black opaque leggings which was fine because the shirt covered her bum and she had me go run and get her white flats to match

I had forced Logan to do more clothes shopping both for her and the baby and I was excited to see all the sexy cute clothes she picked that I'd get rip off her from time to time

"Let's get your shoes on love so we can go" she walked out and I followed behind she sat down and I slipped her shoes on

Since she had made 6 months it was difficult to bend over and I was more than happy to do anything she needed "thank you daddy" she giggled

"Anything for you come on love" I helped her stand we walked down holding hands I looked at her chest and kinda laughed

"W-what?" She whined

"You for sure need new bras your chest is like trying to escape your bra and half of it has made it" she punched me I laughed again rubbing my arm "it's true Baby Doll"

She looked away "well if you must know... I was a B when we started dating now I am like a C or well was a C but since the pregnancy though I'm a small D I think..."

"You were a B awww" I laughed "I didn't even realize" she punched me again

"Sorry I'm not huge like your family" she pouted

"No love I think you are perfect how you are I like all your sizes" I kissed her she smiled again

"Thank you now I want Starbucks" I nodded

"Then you shall get Starbucks"


After 15 minutes we made it to Victoria's Secret we parked and walked in I had already gotten a text that Mum and Pop were here I held her hand as we walked in

"When I was little Pop used to beg Mum to go in here with him but when he had us Mum would make him wait outside with us and he was miserable" she laughed

"Aww your poor Dad just wanted to see your Mums boobs is all" we both laughed I looked around and saw a sale room

"She's in there I know it come on love" I walked us through crowds of girls too young to be in here half of them didn't look like they even needed to wear a bra yet

I saw Pop and frowned he staring very intently at something on the table I think "Pop what are you-?"
then my Mum popped up she had been bent over "I retract my question I know exactly what you are staring at" I finished mumbling to myself Logan slightly ran to my Mum who also has Starbucks in her hand making me laugh

"Aye Axel how was jail the 3rd time around?" Pop smiled

"Same as always work out, eat, sleep " I shrugged "I got a new tattoo though" I showed him the Lo Lo on my wrist he nodded

"Nice" he looked at Logan who was hugging Mum "how far along again?"

"6 months" I smirked

"You planning on other children?" I shrugged

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