☫ Chapter 2 ☫

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☫ Chapter 2 ☫

So there's this beautiful girl named Kelly Palmer.

     Yeah, but you see, she wasn't like everyone else. She had this thing where she stood apart from the crowd. Well actually, she somehow forms a crowd around her. Although, I guess that would make sense. She was a cheerleader and the prettiest girl in our school. She was popular and everyone liked her. Including me. It's not that I was crushing on her or anything. I barely knew her. And as you can tell, I had absolutely no chance with her. So when I saw her waving at me I was confused.

     But she was smiling right at me. I couldn't believe it. There had to be a reason behind this. There she was with her brunette wavy hair caressed down her shoulder and her light eyes twinkling with joy. And all that was faced by me. Honestly, it was two feet away but still. She was looking at my direction. She waved and me being a clueless idiot just stared at her. I was sitting down as she made her way towards me.

     I came up with three logical explanations as to why this was happening.

     The first one was the rather obvious one, that being a twisted prank. The people here in school liked doing that. Finding different ways of tricking me. They usually fail but those times where they don't are the worst. Of course, I had to give the benefit of the doubt.

     That's where the second one comes in. She had an ulterior motive. Okay, so I know that's not really giving the benefit of the doubt, but let's be honest and realistic for a moment. I was on the bottom of the social ladder. I barely even made it on the ladder. The other nerds in school didn't even want to talk to me. Gathering all this, you know that Kelly was on the tippy top so there was no way that she was doing this to be nice. She probably wanted me to do an essay for her or let her copy my homework. Something along those lines. Which I didn't really mind doing.

     And if it wasn't the first or second one, well then it has to be the third. Seeing that it's the last option. I'm being extra open minded for this one. But maybe just maybe she's being friendly. I know this is a bit of a stretch and trust me, I don't think it's this one either. Because who would willingly brace themselves with my presence? I'm kind of friendless like that.

     Sadly, I never took into consideration that there might be someone behind me. This might just be the epitome of awkward situations. I even waved back. This is very embarrassing. Now how am I supposed to hide without being obvious?

     Tell me, do you know that horrible moment when you thought that someone was waving at you but it turns out they're not, but you were waving at them? And you come to the realization that they are waving to the person behind you. Yeah, now you're experiencing the second-hand embarrassment no? If you're not it's okay, I'm handling enough of it anyway. To make matters worse she was actually smiling at Jaxon.

     I frowned and facepalmed myself as I let out a groan. Kelly Palmer walked past me, of course not without sending me a look of disgust. She scoffed and flipped her hair as she made her way to Jaxon. I don't think there's a need for an introduction, you know who he is. We spoke about him already. Since you're so familiar with these two and you know how I feel about them I should probably let you know that they are dating.

     This is a subject that I rather not talk about to be perfectly honest. Thankfully, I had to deal with witnessing them together for only one more period. One more dreadful period. How was I supposed to do that when it was Mr. Phillips teaching? See, Mr. Philips kind of gives me the creeps. I know that I shouldn't judge a person based on my own opinion but really. He keeps staring at a blonde girl with such an evil look that I'm surprised no one is noticing it.

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