☫ Chapter 7 ☫

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☫ Chapter 7 ☫

I usually sit alone during lunch.

     It's not a matter of preference per se. It's a matter of me not putting myself out there and making friends since I was a freshman. Let's go with the idea that I lack social skills and have trust issues rather than the obvious fact that no one necessarily wants to be my friend.

     My tongue was caught in between my teeth as I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration, letting different hypotheses come to thought based on my observation. I ignored the irritating sound of my pencil scratching against the notebook and sketched a variety of costumes. This is so ridiculous, I contemplated. A hero? Who am I kidding?

     With a grunt of annoyance, I scribbled a stupid drawing and then proceeded to crumple the paper altogether. I shook my head and attempted another picture of some sort. If I'm going to do this I need a name right? It's only appropriate. I have a bad feeling about this. It's definitely going to backfire on me. Can't believe I'm even thinking of doing this. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and jotted down name ideas.

      Well, my powers have to do with gravity so it would make sense to use that for a hero name. But how boring is that? Gravity? It needs something else. Gravity-Man? That's just messed up, I thought with a scoff. I could just put a color in the name to give it some style. Green Gravity? Hmm, sounds like I'm going to save some plants. Blue is a nice color. Blue Gravity? Sounds like an energy drink but it's not too bad and I'm not really that creative anyway.

      Then my costume can be blue too. It only makes sense for the name to connect with the costume. It'll bring out my eyes, I chuckled over that and then pondered on how I was going to even get a costume. I can't afford one and I doubt I would be able to even find any at a local store. If anything I could rummage around the house and make something. Worse comes to worse I'll wear a paper bag over my head.

     I facepalmed myself and took a bite of my sandwich.

     "What are you mad about?" A familiar voice asked.

     My eyebrows rose in confusion as I curiously eyed Kyle when I noticed him plopping down across from me. He wrinkled his nose in distaste as he played with his lunch, poking it with his fork. I'm betting that he doesn't like the school lunch. I feel the same way. Which is why I usually just make my own lunch.

     "I'm not mad," I corrected him and licked the peanut butter off my lips. With a small unsure smile, I said, "Hey."

     "What's up?" He quirked an eyebrow and looked over at my notebook.

     Trying not to make myself appear suspicious, I slammed the book shut and put it in my backpack. "Nothing, just stuff."

     I inwardly shuddered over the horrible excuse or rather 'not excuse' and more of a brush over and watched as he pursed his lips and shrugged. A chill ran through my spine as I felt someone glaring at me. I turned around and winced when I saw Lucas Trevor with furrowed eyebrows, watching me. He then looked over at Kyle and puffed his cheeks in what seemed like aggravation.

     I wasn't sure if I should ask Kyle if he and Lucas are in a fight. I wasn't necessarily Kyle's friend so I don't know if I'm overstepping a boundary.

     "Have you heard of Dark Wonder?" Kyle grinned with a show of his teeth and flush of his tan skin.

     "Dark Wonder? What's that?"

     He tsked at me and explained. "More like who. He's a superhero!"

     I almost spat my food out as my eyes widened. I cleared my throat. "A superhero?"

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