Chapter 13- starstruck and midnights kiss

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Dans POV

I was on the bus with phil to Erin's house and was unfortunately sat next to a guy who probably had aids and rabies.

When we arrived we both hopped off the bus an I decided to dive right into the conversation of phil an jess.

"So jess huh?"

"Shut up, she's really nice and we seem kind of alike, also she is gorgeous"

"Remember what I said, ask her ass on a date mate and give her the midnight kiss tonight, that's bound to win her over"

"I dunno Dan..."

"Just do it"

"Guhh... fine"

We both finally reached Erin and jess house, and swiftly knocked on the door.

Erin came to the door with tangled hair, still wearing her pyjamas.

"There's a key for you on the side for when you need to get in, you disturbed my dream" she grumbles as me both walk in.

"What was your dream about?"

"I was trekking candy mountain, I was about to defeat the ice king from adventure time... somehow he creeped inside and stole all my sandwiches..."

I follow her back to her room an it looked like everything was in place already. She climbs back into bed and I get under the covers with her.

"You look adorable" I say as he hugs my hips, burying her head into my chest.

"I don't I look a mess"

"A beautiful mess... like Jason Mraz's song"

"Yeah just like that" she was obviously still knackered. After a while of silence she started to snore lightly.

I climbed out of her bed slowly and went to watch TV.

Jess POV

I was in between sleeping and alert when I heard a loud knock. I couldn't be bothered to move so I just laid there listening to muffled voices.

I could already tell it was Phil and Dan. I must admit I was falling slowly for Phil, he was cute and just like me.

After a while of just being a sloth, I climbed out of bed as to the living room to find Dan and Phil watching real housewives.

"So your those type of people!" they both turn around in shock.

"It's was the only thing on" lame excuse.

"Sureee" I jump over the back of the sofa and next to phil.

"Here, we have now TV, we can watch some game of thrones" I switch to game of thrones and sit there engrossed in the amazing series.


5 episodes later jess was leaning up against phil and we were all getting hungry for lunch.

I decided to leave jess and phil's huggy time and see Erin. I knock quietly on the door and after a small mumbleI walk into Erin's bedroom. She was still curled up in her duvet and her new hair was beautifully sprawled all over the pillow.

Erin POV

I wake up with cramps like hell and a headache that feels like a devil is eating my head from the inside out. I look at my phone and internally groan at the bad timing.

I walk into the bathroom, me check in the draw for a tampon. Crap crap crap crap crap crap. I grab some tissue paper and put it into my pants.

I climb back into bed and shove my head under the duvet, hoping to be sucked back into the fluffy warmth.

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