Chapter 36- I bloody hope so.

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Both me and Dan walk back into the house. It was now dark outside, and the breeze was becoming chilly.

Walking to my room, I flop onto my bed, and sigh.

"Whats up?" Dan asks, as he sits cross legged beside me as he played with my hair.

"I'm just really happy" I admit, rolling onto my stomach, leaning my head on my hands.

"Me too" He sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Sitting up next to him, I wrap my arms aroud his neck sideways, and start to press light kisses to his neck.

"Why don't we have a movie night?" Dan suggests between kisses. Nodding my head eagerly, I jump up from my bed, and pull out a movie I've been dying to watch.

"NoWhere Boy... Whats that about?" Dan asked, taking the movie into his hands and observing the case.

"The Beatles, John Lennon specifically, I've been told it's really good" I nod.

"I guess" He agrees, taking the duvet from my bed.

Walking into the kitchen, I pull out a big bowl for popcorn.

"What flavour?!" I yell from the kitchen, observing all the different flavours.

"Urm... Sweet, like you" He smiles, leaning on the couter next to me. Shoving him lightly on the arm, I pop the bag of popcorn in the microvave.

"Do you know what movie were watchi-" Dan interrupts me, with a sweet and subtle kiss, as he pulls my hips closer to him.

"W-w-hy?" I stutter still a bit dazed.

"Because I love you" He whispers, kissing me yet again. This time his tongue slips past my lips, and my hands go up to his head, and tangle in his soft brown hair.

"Jump" He whisperes against my lips, obeying him, I jump only to be caught swiftly, and put put gently onto the counter. He stands between my legs as I twirl his hair around the tips of my fingers.

"I've got you the best Christmas present" he whispered out of the blue.

"Ditto" I giggle, kissing him softly. "Three days!!" I squeal, bouncing around on the counter top. The microwave dings loudly, breaking both of us out of our little bubble. Jumping from the marble counter, I pour the popcorn into a big bowl and skip back into the living room."

"You ready?" Dan asks, throwing the duvet over both of us.

"Always" I smile, as we snuggle up together, pressing play on the TV buttons. 
The credits play at the end of the movie, just as me and Dan stretch our arms. 
"It was a good movie" Dan agrees, stretching his legs out in front of him.

"I'm so tired" I yawn, standing up from the sofa and stretching my back.

"Lets go to bed" Dan says, picking me up, and placing me gracefully on his back.

Once we reach the bedroom, Dan places me softly on the mattress, only for me to fall into a deep slumber.


Christams Morning

"Dan, Dan, Dan get up get up get up!!" I squeal, jumping up and down on the bed. Dan only groans, and rolls over in the duvet.

"Its like 8 in the morning, go back to sleep" He whispers, neary going back into a deep sleep.

"Dan, its Christmas, its was too late for me to go back to bed, so I advise you get up now or I will not give you your present" I argue, sitting down next to him.

One of his chocolate brown eyes opens mischieviously. A small smirk playing on his lips.

"your good" He croaks, his morning voice still lingering in his throat.

"I know, so get your lazy ass up and bring everyones presents to the living room" I order. Groaning, he rolls out of bed. Skipping out of my room, I take everyones presents from the cupboard and place them under the tree.

Craving a wamr drink, I walk into the kitchen and make both of me and Dan and cup of tea. All of a sudden, to strong arms wrap around my waist, as soft kisses are pressed to my neck.

"Merry Christmas" Dan whispers, leaning his head on my shoulder as he watched me stir both of our teas.

"Here" I say, and hand him a cup.

"It's so weird that christmas is in the summer" He announces, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's pretty strange isnt it?" I shrug, taking a long sip of my tea.

Both me and Dan walk into the living room, where Jess was sat, watching Jeremy Kyle... as usual.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I yell, jumping over the sofa and hugging her from the side. She laughs happily and hugs me back, before pulling away.

"Presents?" I offer, Jess nods enthusiastically. So I grab her present and hand it to her.

Exitedly, she rips the wrapping, to reveal a brand new pair of GHD's.

Squealing, she hugs me, before opening the tough cardboard packaging and taking the brand new hair styler from its casing.

"Here" Jess says, much more interested in her present, then watching me open mine.

Pulling back the wrapping, it reveals an urban decay makeup set, filled with foundation, bronzers, eye shadows and brushes.

"Oh my God!" I scream, hugging jess tightly. Christmas was by far my favourite season.

"Here you go" Dan laughs, handing Jess her present. Tearing her eyes from her present for a second, she warily takes off the wrapping. Underneath the merry wrapping, was a large soft unicorn onesie. Laughing hysterically, she holds it up in front of her.

"I just saw it and it kind of screamed Jess so you know" Dan laughed along.

"Thanks" Jess breathed still laughing. She then hands Dan her present, after finally tearing her eyes from her own.

He opens it not nearly as viciously as Jess would, but a smile tugs happily on his face once he pulls out a cool jumper.

"Thanks Jess" he smiled, and pulled her in for a tight hug. I then hand Dan my present to him. On purpose, he tears the paper slowly, in small individual strips. Finally, he pulls box from the paper, and he stares in shock at the brand new camera he had been wanting for ages.

"Oh my god! Erin this must had cost you a fortune!" He gasps, studying the brand new gadget. He jumps over to me, pressing his lips onto to mine as he pulls me into his lap.

"I love you so much" he whispers.

"Love you too Mr Howell" I smile. I look on at him impatiently, as he just continues to smile at me. Coughing, I hold out my hand hoping he would place the present on it.

"Oh right, I'm giving that to you later" he winks. Pouting, he takes my lip in between his fingers, before pinging back it back into my mouth.

"It's worth the wait" he smiles, kissing me softly.

"I bloody hope so" 

Cliché (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire)Where stories live. Discover now