Kiss Me and Smile for Me

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Dementia was thinking hard, which was a very unusual activity for her. She was in the middle of painting her room over again. It was Christmas time, and even though Black Hat got a hideous migraine from the holiness of the celebration, he was surrounded by people (and a bear) who loved to celebrate.

However, if there was one thing that he liked about the season, it was the holiday sales. Presents for loved ones were a wonderful tool during these times, and stocks were sure to boom.

Flug, though raised by strictly catholic parents, was an atheist. Even so, Christmas brought back fond memories of childhood, so he celebrated.

Dementia, being young at heart, was all too ready for Christmas. Every year, Santa would bring her something, if she was nice that whole month of December. She... tried her best.

5.0.5 was always happy to decorate the manor and even share his presents with Dementia when she got coal. This holiday was always abuzz for them.

But surprisingly, Dementia wasn't thinking about that as much as she thought she would be. She was thinking more about Flug.

He was acting normal, not at all like before. But something was still... off. Even if she thought she couldn't place a finger on it, she knew the answer in her heart. The happiness, the frustration, the fear, the anger, all of it. It wasn't real, or at least, it was exaggerated.

What Dementia was really trying to figure out about it was why. Why did Flug have to do this? What was he hiding? And, more importantly, why did he have to hide it? What could be so awful that he had to hide it from villains? She sighed. Flug was more complex than the stuck-up nerd she always thought he was.

She shook away her thoughts and looked up at her room. It was finished, the base color being white, with random splatters of red and green. It was perfect. But maybe, she thought, rubbing her chin.

I could do a wall sized painting for New Years, which means I'll have to watch some more Bob Ross... She shrugged. She'll watch some tonight.

Dementia gasped, snapping her fingers, and grabbing a paint brush that she dipped into black paint.

After a few sloppy strokes, she had finished her masterpiece. A large, handsome portrait of her lord Black Hat himself. She smiled wide, kissed the wet paint, and skipped out of her room.

5.0.5 had already placed holly on the candelabras, and the holiday feeling was present with it. She hummed to herself, not sure where exactly she wanted to go, or what she wanted to do when she got there.

She wandered aimlessly, occasionally tearing decorations off the walls, and finally ending up at the end of a hall. In front of Black Hat's office. She stared at the door, not knowing what to do, but that she wanted to spend time with her Black Hat for Christmas. A wicked smile started to grow, along with an idea. She ran back down the hallway, skidding to a halt at a small storage closet.

She flung the door open, seeing an already open box of Christmas decorations. Perfect. A few minutes of digging later, she was back in front of Black Hat's door. Her plan was very simple, most likely the oldest trick in the book, but sometimes the old toys are the most fun. Plus, Black Hat was the type that enjoyed the classics.

She waited patiently, hearing nothing from within the room. Suddenly, the door opened up, and her face lit up.

"Hi Blackie!!" she shouted, making Black Hat flinch.

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