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Hello my name is Angela. I am 15. I have a sister who is 17 years old. Amy. My dad is dead. He died in a car crash when I was 14. My mom is always busy with "work". That's what she tells us she's doing all day everyday. Me and Amy both know that she's probably drinking away her problems. Because of this, Amy and I have grown close. Also, I have a secret. I have powers. Fire and ice powers. I have learned some amazing facts about me and my past. Its crazy! I've learned to control my powers but it was a long journey to get here but I made it. Along the journey I found secrets, regrets, hope, love, and so much more. I have learned so much on this incredible journey. I have learned that I need to trust my instincs, cause there not always wrong. I have come up with ways to keep my secret a secret. I have learned to focus and to fight. I also learned what real pain is like. In more ways than one. I have realized that I need to follow my heart. Do the right thing for what its worth. It has been a long journey for me. One that I never thought was possible. It was quite a long story, And now I'm sharing it all with you. My name is Angela and this is my story.

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