Chapter 12

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I woke up and felt that today would be good. I went down stairs and saw Amy asleep on the couch. I left the house and went straight to rervensland. I found carter. Fiona was with him. She had something to tell me. "I think I felt a weird felling when I was speaking to Jessica yesterday." "so you're saying she could be the culprit?" "I'm not sure but I think that she could be." "but she just learned she had powers." "she could have known the entire time and decided to 'figure out'. That could also be how she is so strong already." "you could be right. She could have known all along. She could be the culprit." I was honestly surprised, I mean I know Jessica is a jerk but seriously? Killing 3 people? Well telepathically to be exact but still. Carter was going to tell Andrew that we have a possible suspect and I need to try to confront Jessica. If she is the culprit, then she could be very dangerous. Andrew sit that when the culprit is found, then they will be locked up in some jail like cell but you can't use your powers inside of it. It like prevents you robustness them with powers. They will have these people that are kinda like cops come and put them in handcuffs that also prevents them from using there powers. If we found the culprit then we would need to bring some people with us to make sure she can't get away. The culprit needs to be locked up because they are planning something that could ruin this entire world. I'm not sure how they know that but, they do. I went up to Jessica while she was at corleans with Annie. Looks like Annie followed Jessica back into her evil crew. "Jessica, we need to talk." "about what chum?" I looked at her for a minute and she eventually knew. We had Fiona erase Annie's memory of everything magic. "Hang on Annie, I will be right back." we went outside and she saw the people I brought with me. "What is going on?" she seemed confused. We brought Fiona with us in case we would need her as well. "You are the culprit Jessica." I just decided to say it straight and forward and not hesitating. "What?" she said with a confused look on her face. Fiona went up to her and let her fingers on both sides of her head. Jessica eyes closed as Fiona was looking through her brain. "She isn't the culprit." Fiona stated assuringly. "She isn't?" "no. I must have been feeling her hatred." "so now were back to square one." Jessica was confused. "What just happened?" "nothing Jessica. Go back to Annie." she left and I told carter. He looked stumped. Honestly, we aren't any closer. I went Andrew and he had news. "Look, Angela. I don't want to pressure you or anything but, there is a time limit." "for what?" I asked him? "To find the culprit. Today is Saturday. In two weeks on Saturday, it will be to late and who ever this is, will release some gas into the air that is harmful." 'can't everybody escape?" "No. We found the culprits plans. They are going to destroy the portal so nobody can escape and the release the gas into the air." "in two weeks? That isn't enough time." "I know. Its like the culprit wanted us to find their plans." I went home and saw Amy. "Hey." she said. "Hey." "we need to talk." she seemed serious. "Ok, go ahead." "first of all, I'm sorry for yesterday. Whatever you left for, it was probably important." with ok Amy. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lost track of time." "second, I know about your powers."

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