Chapter 17

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I woke up ready for practice.  Was going to practice with carter today. I found Fiona. "Hey, found anything yet?" "no not yet. I think that whoever the culprit is, isnt in rervensland." "so he could be in the real word?" "yes, but I will have to search many people then I would have to erase there memory of me afterwards." "how many people would you be able to get?" "only about 40-50 people a day." "that's it?" "yeah. I can do to many cause I need to take a few breaks because if I overload my self then..." "yeah I get it. Well then we better get started." "ok, I'm on it." Fiona went to start searching and I entered rervensland. I had to start practice as soon as possible. I went to the field and carter was'nt there. I looked with Andrew and he was'nt there. I looked around and couldn't find him anywhere. Eventual he turned up. "Where were you, I was looking for you for about 30 minutes?" "sorry, I had to do something." "ok whatever. We should start practice." he just stood there smiling. He came up to me and kissed me. "Ok, ok, now lets practice." "why now. Were busy." he pulled me in again and this time I isnt push away. I just let it slide for now. After about a minute I stopped him. "Ok look carter, we need to practice." I said then giggled. "Ok ok. Lets go." we practiced ut he was teaching me more basic tuff like evaporating water and lighting some grass on fire and creating small fire balls. "Carter, im not at the basics anymore. I can do tough thing like creating large flames, setting buildings on fire, throwing fire balls. After all I did get into a fight." "yes and you lost. If you want to defeat the culprit, you have to take it slow and master the basics before moving on." "but I have mastered the basics. Can I move on to the next level at least?" "not yet. Maybe tomorrow you will be ready for the next level, but for today, keep it chill and work your way up." "I dont have a lot of time before I need to defeat the culprit." "And you will be ready then, just trust me ok." "ok fine. But this is really easy." "and it should be. You will be ready soon Angela. Be patient." so with that, I stayed at the basics that day. I knew I would move on soon though.

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