Chapter 10

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Scarlet's POV

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the rain hitting against my window. I don't know why but I've always found the rain soothing. Hopping out of bed, I quickly got in the shower and got changed in navy blue jeans, black tank top and light blue hoodie. Running downstairs to grab breakfast I noticed that belles truck isn't in the drive way. 'Must of left for school already'. Sighing to myself, I quickly grabbed an apple, my school bag and keys and head towards my car.

Once arriving at school I parked the car and step out. I felt pairs of eyes on me and slowly turned around to see across the lot, Bella and the Cullen's looking over at me. Feeling a bit self conscious I shyly wave and head towards where I saw Mike, hoping he knows where my music class is for first period.

The Cullen's POV

Once we see the Orange Lamborghini Huracan are shoulders immediately relax. It's strange that Scarlet has this type effect on us without even meeting her properly. All of us looked over when she opened her door and hopped out. We couldn't help admire how graceful she is for a human. She must of felt out stares for she timidity looked round and spotted us staring. She gave a shy little smile that we all couldn't help but return. Even the big bad Rosalie smiled back. Giving a small wave she turned and she half danced towards... Mike, 'seriously' went through all the Cullen's heads.

Scarlet's POV

Luckily Mike had the same music class with me so we got to walked together. When we arrived he introduced me to the teacher Mr Smith. "Hi Mr Smith, this is Scarlet Quinn-Swan, she's the new girl" said mike happily. "Hi Mike, nice to meet you miss Quinn-Swan is there anyway we can shorten your name so it's easier?" He asked kindly. "Of course mr Smith it's quite a mouthful isn't it?' Swan or Quinn is just fine" I replied back with a smile. "Alright Miss Quinn it is, we only have one seat available so I've you'll take a seat by Mr Cullen then we can start the lesson. Mr Cullen please can you raise your hand" Mr Smith asked looking in what seemed to be mr Cullen's direction. Mr Cullen or Edward if I remember Jessica correctly raised his hand for me whilst making eye contact with me. 'He has very unusual eye colour, a sort of golden brown'. I think to myself whilst walking towards my new seat.

Edward's POV

Sitting in music, I was starting out of the window -quite bored if you ask me. Trying to tune out all the inappropriate thoughts going round the class about myself... and Scarlet. Holding back a growl, I calmed when I spelt the heavenly smell of roses, melted chocolate and fresh cut grass. Weird combination but absolutely mouthwatering. Quickly looking to the door I see Scarlet walking through the door with Mike, Giggling about something he said. I was a bit shocked that she was in my class seeing as she is a year younger than Bella meaning she should be in the year bellow. But I couldn't help but be happy seeing as the only seat that's left is next to me. 'I finally get to speak to her' I thought giddily. Listening to the teacher I raised my head when Mr Smith asked and saw Scarlet turn round to scan the room for my hand. Once making eye contact I realise that this is the first time we have looked into each others eyes and couldn't help but feel a rush of pleasure when looking into her emerald eyes and couldn't take my eyes off her. 'God, I wish I knew what she was thinking'.

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