Chapter 42

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Scarlet's POV

Taking a deep breath, I walked through the threshold of the Cullen's home to see Edward's whole family waiting in the hallway by the stairs; waiting for me. Looking up at Edward, we both shared a nervous smile before I began taking my shoes and coat off and started to make my way towards everyone. Feeling Edward's hand on my lower back guiding me. "It's lovely to meet you all I'm Scarlet, Bella's half sister. Thank you all for allowing me to come over for the night. I hope I'm not intruding." I say trying to calm my nerves.

"It's lovely to meet you Scarlet- I'm Carlisle, Edward's father. I know you've met some of the family at school but let me introduce everyone to you," Carlisle says kindly. "This is my beautiful wife Esme." Carlisle wraps his arm around a heart shaped women with warmness shining in her eyes and made her way towards me and gave me a hug only a mother could give- a hug be it cold, but full of love and comfort and I couldn't help but sag, feeling all my nerves just leave me and I hugged her back gently for a few seconds. "Welcome to the family" I heard Esme whisper, I stepped back confused not noticing Edward's embarrassed face until Carlisle, with a small secretive smile on his face started speaking again "Of course you've met Rosalie and Jasper who by the way have both been talking about you non stop" looking over at the pair I see them glaring daggers at Carlisle but grin at once they caught my eye and came over to give me a double hug which caused me to giggle at their excitement but felt truly touched that they were talking about me to there parents. "I'm so glad your here" Rosalie says ecstatic, hugging me tighter "I can't wait to get to know you better, we all can't" Jasper says to me with a meaningful look I didn't quite understand. I looked over at Carlisle and Esmeralda to see a scared almost panicked look when it came to Jasper being so close to me, but shook my head. 'They must not be used to Jasper hugging strangers' I think before Carlisle started speaking again with a... relieved smile it seems.

"The big burly guy next to Rosalie is Emmet but I'm sure she has told you all about him" Emmet rushes over and gave me a huge bear hug, picking me up I squealed, only for Emmet to spin me around."It's so good to finally meet you properly, it seems both Edward and Rosalie keeps stealing you for themselves" Emmet exclaimed loudly. In the background I swear I heard a deep almost predatory growl but Emmet's deep booming laugh overpowered my hearing and I couldn't help but give a laugh of my own. "And last but certainly not least Alice who again I'm sure Jasper has told you about" looking at Alice I see her skipping over to me and grabbed me into a enthusiastic hug "I'm so glad to finally meet you. We are going to be the best of friends me, you and Rosalie!" Alice squealed before pulling me in the direction of what seemed to be the living room only for me to feel a cold familiar hand take mine and gently guide me into a hug of his own.

Stunned, I look up to see Edward's molten eyes soften when meeting my own emerald ones from the small glare he was giving Alice. "Hello there" I breathed still a bit startled "Hello" Edward whispered so quite I almost missed it "Would you believe me if I said I felt left out with all the introductions and the hugging you got from my family, that I just wanted a hug for myself" Edward says quietly into my ear. I shivered from the feeling of Edward's breath down my neck and couldn't help the blush spreading across my cheeks, hoping none of Edward's family noticed my red cheeks or heard what Edward said however looking over at them I see smug faces spread across each of there faces, towards one another and the almost silent 'awws' from all three female Cullen's and just knew that they all had 'How could they hear Edward- with how quiet he was' I think, adding this to the list of other qualities Edward and seemingly the rest of the Cullen's have. 'The Cullen's are even more of a mystery than I realised' I think before shaking my head, knowing any secrets the Cullen's may have they would only share, if or when they are ready and trust me 'I would never force them,' I think, with a small smile.

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