Chapter 34

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Bella's POV

Looking at the time, I couldn't help but smile knowing- my Edward will be coming soon and all the better that Scarlet isn't here. 'Good, I now have Charlie all to myself, like it should of always have been.' I think with glee just praying that Scarlet never comes back EVER, then I don't have to worry about her trying to take MY boys away from me. Looking back at Charlie I see him on the phone trying to call.. HER. 'Urgh, I thought we were rid of her, I don't want Charlie trying to bring her back. Especially when I KNOW he doesn't want her back, knowing that he prefers ME to Scarlet.' I think logically and decide to do him a favour so he doesn't have to even try and talk to Scarlet. I walk over to the telephone line and pull the plug with a massive grin on my face. I walk back into the living room to seem Charlie, still trying to use the phone, probably Scarlets number again "Is she not answering you" I say trying to sound sympathetic "Maybe you should leave it, she clearly doesn't want to talk to but don't worry dad, I'll always be here for you" I say smugly just knowing calling him dad will get me his full attention on me instead of focusing, trying to stop my smile from showing "I, I guess she just needs to have some time to herself" Charlie says shocked that Bella has finally called him dad but also trying to convince himself that he hasn't lost his youngest daughter. "Come on we can watch baseball like old times" I say cheerfully, obviously forgetting that she has never had that type of relationship with her father, even when she was a child. It was always Scarlet who had a really close bond with Charlie, not her.

Charlie Swan's POV

I look over at Bella strangely just knowing we have never had that time of father/daughter relationship with each other "You would like to watch baseball...Bella you hate baseball...' I say slowly, thinking I must of misheard her "Of course I don't hate it, it's never seemed to want to watch it with me since you've always had Scarlet watching it with you.. I felt left out, like you didn't want me to have that type of closeness with you didn't want me to be there with you both" Bella says trying to sound disheartened, forcing a small tear to roll down her cheek. "Oh Bella, of course I wanted to, it's just you never seemed to be interested in anything Scarlet and myself liked to do so I figured I'll let you join if you wanted to, I never realised you were waiting for me to ask you to join us" I say back worriedly thinking I'm pushing away my other daughter as well, not realising Bella's trying to replace Scarlet in everything Scarlet and I used to do. Trying to phase Scarlet out just so Bella can add herself in Scarlet's place, just knowing that Bella could get rid of Scarlet altogether from Charlie's life without him even knowing.

Bella's POV

I couldn't help the smirk spreading across my face and went to bury my face into Charlie's shoulder to stop him from noticing. 'I should of done this ages ago' I think wickedly just knowing that Charlie will believe me and try and fix the damage he supposedly had done towards me rather than fixing whatever problems he apparently had with Scarlet. 'I've always been his favourite daughter.' I think smugly 'Finally my life is going back on track, I just need the Cullen's and Jacob to realise that Scarlet isn't who they all think she is' I think cruelly just knowing in the end she will get her way, she always does... Not realising someone crucial in her plan is on his way to her house right now to tell her something she most certainly isn't going to like.

Curling up into Charlie while he turned the baseball on the tv, I couldn't help but roll my eyes 'Seriously who can be bothered to waste 3 hours of their life watching this rubbish' clearly forgetting how much her boyfriend loves to play baseball along with both his and her family. Pretending to be interested, I made sure I cheered whenever Charlie did just to show that I was paying attention.

2 hours in I was trying extremely hard to stay awake until there was a knock at the door.

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