Chapter 52

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Scarlet's POV

Confused by the reaction Edward gave just from seeing who sent me text message, I looked down, almost worried until the name Jacob Black flashed onto my screen and I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face only to gasp when I felt Edward pull me closer to his chest, if that was even possible. Looking up at Edward's flawless face I noticed an almost possessive even predatory look in his molten coloured eyes. Not understanding what was happening I looked over towards the rest of the Cullen family only to notice the worried looks they were all sending me but a different emotion flickered across their faces when they turned to look at Edward and seemed to be having a silent conversation. 'Mind reader' I shook my head fondly and just leant back into Edward's grip never feeling more safe than I have with one person who I've only just met, who isn't a family member 'Well besides Bella' I think with a sad sign escaping my lips wondering if there will ever be a time where me and my half sister could get along, where she's not trying to sabotage my relationships or friendships, looking over at the Cullen's again I couldn't help but think 'Friendships that are turning into family, I've only just met these people a couple of days ago but there's something about them that draws people in... draws me in.'

Looking back down at my phone or more importantly the name flashing on my screen 'It feels like somethings still missing though. I'm the happiest I have ever been in this moment but for some reason I'm feeling a similar pull towards La Push, like I belong there... like I belong to both places.' Clicking the icon to read the message, I snuggled up closer when I heard an almost whimper coming from Edward, needing him to know that I'm here but that Jacob's important to me too. I whisper quietly, so quietly I'm surprised Edward could hear me even with his advanced hearing "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere Edward but he's important too, you've got to understand that. I feel in a way, a similar pull I feel to you as I do to Jacob but almost completely different. I don't know what's happening or what's going on between us all but what I do know is that your both important to me and I need you both in my life." I plead with Edward to understand even if I myself don't have a clue with what's going on.

I look directly into his pools of molten gold eyes "I'm here no less than I was before but no secrets, I promise you no secrets between the both of us, I've only just found out what you all are and there's something bringing us together." I bring my spare hand to lightly touch his pure white, ice cold hand before linking our hands together and pulling our linked hands towards my chest or more importantly my heart. I shiver from the almost intimate embrace "There's something in my heart pulling me in...pulling me closer and I just know that we were meant to find one another, I can't understand why or if there's even a reason but my heart is telling me NOT to let go no matter what, be me only knowing you a few days or Bella trying to stop me." I say emotionally, just needing them all to understand... needing Edward to know exactly how I feel towards him. "Will you still have me" I asked feeling tears gather in my eyes but forcing them not to fall, my sight blurring but I blink a few times to clear my vision only to see Edward staring back at me, I hold my breath almost waiting for rejection but hoping, praying for acceptance 'I don't know why I feel this way... feel this pull toward both Edward and Jacob, but I know in my hearts that I couldn't live without either of them and I'll do anything to keep them close.'

Edward's POV

As soon as I saw the message was from one of the wolves 'The mutts' I couldn't help but pull my delicate mate 'Mate, my true mate' into my arms and couldn't keep the purr from escaping, too quiet for Scarlet to hear but loud enough for my family to hear, going from the varied emotion that flickered across there faces, from laughter to aww. Listening to there thoughts I pulled Scarlet closer to hide my smirk. 'Damn Eddie you've got it bad,' I started scowling at Emmet's nickname for me whenever he teases me but couldn't help but completely agree. This girl I'm my arms is my life now and I'll do anything to make her happy... to make her smile that gentle loving smile or hear her angelic laughter. 'You two look perfect for one another, like you exist for one another.' I heard Alice and Esme's thoughts join into one, flicking my eyes away from Scarlet's golden brown locks with a kiss before looking between my mother in all but blood and my pixie like, adopted sister a genuine smile spreading across my lips. 'Seems to be happening a lot lately, smiling purely rather than having to force one throughout my existence, having to watch my family around me be in love, never having to suffer the pain of being alone. Something I wouldn't wish on anyone 'Even the wolves, no one should have to suffer what I had to... had. A simple word but with a massive meaning, I'll never have to be alone again... I'll make sure of it' I think determined to make it so. Looking back down at my saver, my angel... my mate. I couldn't stop the whimper from escaping my mouth, just the thought of losing Scarlet before I've even gotten to fully know her, her likes, her dislikes, what makes her the happiest in the world and what sadness she has felt during her life. I wanted- no needed to know everything about her and the thought of losing her to a wolf or more importantly Jacob Black, was earth shattering. From having to go through so much between Jacob and Bella when I was with Bella, to now having to suffer twice as much because Bella barely meant anything to me. All she was was a temptation, nothing compared to Scarlet and I know that no matter what happens, I'll make sure Scarlet, if she will have me will be with me for eternity... 'Even if I had to share' I think almost brokenly but absolutely determined to still have Scarlet in my life and do anything to prevent pushing her away After listening to her passionately but also completely confused on why she feels both our mate bond and the pull towards La Push or to be more specific... who, which I'm almost certain, Jacob Black. Thinking about said pull there's only one thing that comes to mind and I just hope and pray that if I'm correct, Jacob would also be willing to do anything to make Scarlet happy, even if it means having to share his... Imprint.

Looking at my family I knew that they all figured out from the confused ramble coming from my mate what that pull means even if they don't know specifically who and I could hear a range of emotional thoughts 'How dare those mutts take away Scarlet when my brother has just found her.' thought Rosalie with a fierce growl which I hoped Scarlet couldn't hear but going by the flinch from the women in my arms I knew she did. I quickly gathered Scarlet into my arms hoping to calm her down and protect her "Your safe I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you, even my family" I whisper softly into her ear and felt her shiver for a whole different reason. I smile lovingly down at her before sending a fierce glare towards Rosalie who I could tell, noticed the reaction Scarlet gave towards her growl and was looking extremely guilty. Due to her thoughts, I knew her growl wasn't aimed at Scarlet but towards the wolves but my first priority was to my make sure the woman in my arms was safe and hopefully felt at home. I felt Scarlet sink into my arms with what seemed like relief 'How I wish I could hear what was going on inside her mind' I think wistfully before more of my families thoughts reached my own 'Are you okay with this, I couldn't image having to share my own mate' Jasper thought with concern. Looking towards him, I couldn't help the small smile spreading across my lips and whisper quietly so only my family could here "I can't say I'm thrilled with it, I know that nothing will change between us and the mutts but for her." I tenderly look down at Scarlet "I'd do anything for her, even if it meant sharing her just to see her happy." I could tell that I shocked my family with how mature I was being and with the way I was acting 'She's changed me for the better.' "But just think, at least this way there's more people, be it our family or the wolves, she's connected to both meaning more protection for her and I wouldn't change that for the world." I say toward each and everyone of my family, willing them to know that it's not about me, it's about my mate being happy, loved and safe even if it is with two supernatural beings, two enemies... two people. 'I'm proud of you son. Just knowing that you feel so much love for this women- your Scarlet- that you would do anything just to make her happy. She certainly has changed you for the better. You've grown so much as a person and I couldn't be more proud to call you my child... my son and we will be with you every step of the way' Carlisle thoughts brought venom to my eyes, tears that we all knew wouldn't fall. I felt so touched by my family's concern and support that I could finally feel myself accepting who I was and that even I deserve to have someone like Scarlet, someone so pure and that I deserve to have love and to be loved in return and all because of this precious human cuddling into my arms. Speaking of Scarlet, I noticed her reading the text message from the wolf and couldn't help but read it over her shoulder just needing to know what was written.

\To: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
From: Jacob Black
Sent: 10:37 am

Hi Scarlet,

Is everything okay?

I've just heard from Embry, he said something happened and that your not at home anymore. I know it isn't really any of my business since we barely know each other but I want you to know that you can always come to me whenever or if ever you need I know it may be too soon but I care about you deeply and I really hope your somewhere safe. Embry sounded really worried and I've never seen him like that before.

I just wanted to check in and see if there's anything myself or Embry can do to help you. And if your up for it we still need to catch up and get a chance to get to know each other better. If you decide you still want to, just give me a call. 🙂

Jacob. X/

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